January kicked off with a Burns Night hosted by The Murf. He even Blessed The Haggis – and I tried not to laugh! I’d been volunteered to sing or read a poem. Well I tried to learn the tune for My Luv is Like A Red Red Rose” well I had just about learnt it but decided that I’d just read it as a poem in the end. There had been encouragement to wear something tartan themed but the only thing I had was my tartan pajamas. Thankfully The Murf came to my rescue and I had some ribbon to tie in my hair.

I went to the first Stitch ‘n’ Bitch of year and decided that I was going to join the WI. Also led games at JD’s Youth Group.
I read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. And went on a bit of a mission as far as tidying my side of the bedroom. I think I might need to reread it again in 2014.

I went to my first proper WI meeting and got to meet Mario from Someone Once Told Me. I had my picture taken and I did appear on his website one day.
I finished my first baby blanket. It was sent to my friend but I feared that it hadn’t arrived. Thank you Royal Mail.

Went to the first Monster Yarns Knitting Group and met the very lovely Judit.
Finished up at my old job and started looking for something new. In one of those crazy God knows the plan before you do moments, I finished the Thursday before Easter and by the following weekend I had a temp part time job working with one of my Mum’s friends. It was working in the kitchen at an oldies home in Bedford. Most of the care assistants were lovely and really helpful – a couple were grumpy but I think they warmed up to us in the end!
Attended the Free Hugs Flash Mob in Bedford town centre but between looking after Our Sidekick while Chris was at work I could literally only be there for like twenty minutes then had to go again.
Kept applying for other jobs and had a couple of interviews. Signed up with some temping agencies too. Worked over at the golf course at Woburn serving at some of their evening dos (so old people at lunch, jump in the car and serve golfers in the evening). Took a little while to come back to me but thankfully working as a waitress in my teens clearly helped me along the way.
Being able to cook a half decent sponge came into great help some days. Especially when I made chocolate sponge and got lots of positive comments.

We went up to Nottinghamshire for Kewey’s wedding. She’d made these gorgeous crocheted hearts to decorate the favours.

My Friend’s band Verra Cruz and a couple of others (Frühstück and Through Dying Eyes) played at Esquires the night before my birthday. I went to the gig then while cleared up from a group using The Fountain, I curled up on the sofa and recovered.

The month started with Our Sidekick’s birthday and a trip to town for Free Comic Book Day. I reduced my hours at the oldies home and started my new job. By the end of the first training day part of me didn’t want to go back but that little voice in my head that repeats what my Mum would say in those moments was on one about doing the first week and see what’s it’s like, don’t give up on the first day. Second day was still classroom based and we were talked at but by the third and fourth day we were off doing stuff and by the following week I was proving to my team manager what I could do with a spreadsheet given half the chance.

There were various comments about not volunteering for extra bits but I am most definitely a firm believer of offering to do those extra bits because then when you need help – maybe you need to leave a few minutes early because of an emergency or you need to be a bit flexible with your shifts one day. If you are willing to go the extra mile for your team or to help the management aren’t they little bit more likely to try and help you out.
Unfortunately I didn’t make it down in person until later in the day but BedYarn took place along the embankment and there was all sorts of yarn bombed loveliness going on. My favourites were all these pom poms hanging from one of the trees.

At the end of June there was a sponsored bounce to raise money for a Cystic Fibrosis charity. One of the lovely ladies made the cake below. I went on the trampoline and got a bit of coaching from one of the guys from Bedford Flyers. Apparently for the last 14 years since I first got on no proper trampoline I’ve always been doing seat drops wrong! Our Sidekick got some proper coaching while we were there too. The guy was able to teach him how to do proper somersaults and do them safely.

When my mum was pregnant with me, her and my Aunt (who was pregnant with my cousin at the time) went to see Cats. The touring version was on in MK so my mum and I went on an adventure to see it.
In one of Chris’s days off we went to Anglesey Abbey, there’s quite a lot of woodland and gardens there so we got to run around like mad people for a bit. I’d taken both my phone and the DSLR, so I gave Our Sidekick my phone and he went a bit snap happy and took loads of pictures for me.

The following day while at church my friend’s little girl snuggled up on my knee in church and fell asleep.

I decided that it was about time that I did something about my weight so at the beginning of August I went and signed up with Slimming World, I figured if I had outside accountability I couldn’t get away with just eating junk.
Later in the month We went to Blackpool and the surrounding area for the week. I once again proved why I don’t like rollercoasters. I guarded the bags and read instead that day. We went to Liverpool too and went to The Beatles Story which was fascinating except I think the boys were fed up with me singing along. Then again I still agree with John Hannah in Sliding Doors….
“Everybody’s born knowing all the Beatles lyrics instinctively. They’re passed into the fetus subconsciously along with all the amniotic stuff. Fact, they should be called “The Fetals”.”

At some point around here our contracts got extended at work which meant we could breathe a sigh of relief or at least a little sigh lol.
Having lived and breathed it Cat and I finished the majority of the big Macmillan Blanket we were making and showed it off at the Coffee Morning up in Ravensden. I think swore off doing crochet for a week or so while my sanity returned lol. Cat did find it comical that I walked all the ya from the post office in Renhold to rhe Village Hall in Ravensden.

Towards done beginning of October I was able to go to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally, I went with Ellie and Angie which was sensibly good fun!

We went to the Fireworks display at Kimbolton School with Bex and her little boy. We all had a really good time.

We got to meet the latest member of the family. We also said goodbye to Samuel The Guinea Pig when he passed away, we said a so long see you soon to Owen the Guinea Pig who had gone to live with my in laws and their guinea pigs – apparently guinea pigs don’t do so well when they are on their own. It means our kitchen is quiet now.

In other news we celebrated our third Christmas together and told the other members of the family about our latest member. Which actually coincided with the 12 week scan.

Well my cave update is December! Congratulations again!
Cave update? Can’t wait to read about your Germany trip. Glad you had a safe journey home 🙂
Fave!!! Still getting used to this new keyboard!
So great! Love this recap. Congrats on the baby! Thanks for sharing the link! 🙂
Oh my gosh! Thank you for commenting Annie. I was reading the bit about Moses in Speak Love at 4:30 on Tuesday morning! I’d woken up and could not for anything get back to sleep so I sat downstairs and read. As I wrote in a post and then a comment on FB – something about that bit and that time of the morning just made it super profound. I must have heard the story of Moses like 30-40+ times and that was the first time I’ve ever really clocked about God calling Moses by name. My friend and I discussed it for like an hour via text message on NYE when I was too poorly to go to a party.
Thank you again 🙂 have a great day!
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