Joining with Megan from Happy Day.
Dear Our Sidekick, we had a bit of a falling out yesterday and I really scared you once again I’m so sorry.
Dear London 2012 Olympics, Yesterday was the closing ceremony. Everyone kept pointing out how it was the end of the Olympics but in a way people kept ignoring the fact that the Paraolympics were to come – that kind of bugged me a bit.
Dear Closing Ceremony, if you’d started an hour earlier I wouldn’t feel as shattered as I do. Part of me had to stay and watch the rest but actually we still missed the end.
Dear On Your Marks Holiday Club, you start today – this week is going to be a bit crazy as I dash from work to Howard Memorial in Cardington – Holiday Club please don’t kick my butt.
Dear Feelings and Energy, I’m not sure what got me but at the end of last week I didn’t blog and I didn’t miss it – how strange is that. Then again I was a bit busy so maybe I didn’t think of it until it was finished. Thursday I helped set up for holiday club, watched three episodes of The Newsroom and went to the Doctors. You’d think I’d be productive around that but it didn’t really happen. Friday was Mum’s party and if I wasn’t at Mum’s setting up I was at home asleep (or crashed in a heap when my head was hurting from the heat) or in the supermarket getting last minute supplies.
Dear JD, Our Sidekick and Skinny Ry, I’m not quite sure what happened and why we started doing it but singing ABC while pretending to be able to dance while stood outside the back of The Fountain on Saturday was awesome!
Dear JD, Hels, and RaeRae, thank you for being on my team for the quiz! Can you believe we won?? That was too cool! Then again I guess it was kind of balanced in our favour when the other teams had one person or two people and we had four. Maybe we should have split into a fourth team or something so that it was balanced out. Oh well all done now!
Dear iPhone, now you are fixed I’ve got a new case for you. I’m also using this app to try and get my weight in hand. I’m fed up of not fitting in my clothes very well and feeling bleurgh because I eat bad. I’ve been watching Hairy Dieters and I think I need to get my butt in gear and cook more at home rather than settling for cheat options.