The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers by bloggers. It is a way to acknowledge each other and say “you’re doing a great job”. It is for blogs with 200 or less followers, so it’s also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers! When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person(s) who nominated you. You pass the Award onto 11 other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions. You’re not allowed to nominate the blog(s) who nominated you! (To get the button, right click the picture on my page and save the picture to your computer. You can then upload to your blog.)
Thank you to Karen from Dinosaur Superhero Mummy for giving me this award. Thank you Karen for popping by and commenting on my blog posts!
Random facts about me:
- I have a younger brother but he’s taller than me.
- I am 26, married and Foster Mum to a 13 year old aka Our Sidekick.
- I play bass in the church worship band
- I’ve been going to church pretty much my whole life.
- I attend Russell Park Baptist Church in Bedford and love it!
- I love musical theatre. My favourite musical ever is We Will Rock You or Les Miserables.
- I love reading, I am a bookworm! (16 books this year so far, 12 in progress or something crazy like that!)
- I am a film geek too. I’d pick Episodes 4, 5, 6, over 1, 2, 3. I prefer Raiders of the Lost Ark or Temple of Doom over Crystal Skull. I’d pick TNG, DS9 or Voyager over TOS – don’t ask me why I just would.
- My current favourite shows are Ace of Cake reruns and Hart of Dixie. Also been enjoying the new series of Who Do You Think You Are and Hairy Dieters (basically the Hairy Bikers cook more yummy food but the emphasis this time is it still being yummy but being healthier for you)
- I am attempting to run a 5k without stopping. Currently I end up walking chunks but I figure that if I keep going and keep trying I’ll be fine. I read blogs like Miss Zoot’s blog and she’s training for an Ultra Marathon – if she can do the number of miles she does in a week then once I get my butt in gear and get on with it I will rock the place lol.
- I work in Customer Service. Hopefully one day I’ll work in Social Media or Children’s Ministry but they are all somewhere in the future maybe.
I am nominating these wonderful blogs for this award:
- Rachelle at Chellelandia (My Little Blogger!!)
- Kendra at Like A Bird Blog (My Little Blogger!!)
- Becca at Just Looking…
- Lydia at La Petite Lydia
- Lily at Thinking Out Loud
- Emily at Emily Jane
- Kim at Skates and Stitches
- Ruby at Sew, Cook, Create!
- Steph at Second Hand SuperHero
- Jake and Megan at The Nerd Nest
- Angela at Project Everest
Questions I Was Asked:
What would you do first if you won a million dollars pounds?
Give a fairly big donation to The Fountain, I’d like to see Chris’s face when he opened the envelope and saw the cheque – I think I’d need to make sure someone could catch him when he fainted from shock!
What is your favorite room in your home?
When it’s tidy I think it would be the kitchen, there’s lots of space to dance around while doing the washing up and plenty of space when there’s more than two or three people in there. I think I’d like to add a island sort of thing in the middle of the room but I think it would just acquire more junk lol.
What did you want to be when you were a little kid?
I could never make up my mind! I was so indecisive! Vet, Paramedic, Doctor, Lawyer, Storm Chaser, (In Upper School when the chose was getting closer) Forensic scientist/ME or Paramedic, writer. Then through university I wanted to do something Sociology based or be a forensic anthropologist by which point it was kind of too late to change my mind and start over.
What is your favorite book to read to your child(ren)?
Our Sidekick loves allsorts – he’s 13 now and I think he should be reading himself but I think he loves that, that slot of time is just him and me or Chris and it’s doing something that he likes and feels loved when it happens. We’re currently reading The Borrowers but it’s kind of stalled with the school holidays and not so regular bed times.
What is your favorite color?
Green I think – not a lime green probably a dark green/forest green.
Which kid’s show do you wish was cancelled?
My Phone Genie or something like that – it’s one that Our Sidekick likes – it would be okay but the two main characters are so annoying.
What is your favorite holiday?
I think Christmas because life stops completely and it gives us chance to catch up as a family. I get to see my cousins without having to charge onto the next thing.
What is the most expensive gift you have given someone?
I don’t actually know. I bought Our Sidekick a new phone about 5 or 6 months after he came to live with us so he had a bit more freedom but I don’t know other than that.
Are you a good dancer?
I’d like to think so but I don’t actually know. I managed to pass my dance modules at university so I figure I was at least a bit good even if I wasn’t the next Bausch lol.
How many kids did you think you would have as a child?
One girl and one boy, like my parents – they had me and my brother lol. So far I’m a Foster Mum to our Foster Son.
What do you look forward to most about fall?
Kicking my way through the dry leaves on the ground and jumping in puddles.
Questions for my Nominees:
- If you could go to the airport now and get on a plane to anywhere in the world where would it be?
- What is your favourite TV show?
- How many books do you read in a year?
- I love to read, what would you recommend me?
- What’s your favourite song at the moment?
- What’s your favourite song ever?
- Do you have a favourite film?
- When did you last go to the cinema to see a film?
- Do you like musicals? Do you have a favourite?
- Do you like receiving letters by snail mail?
- What’s your dream job?

Thank you for nominating me! I will post my Liebster Award later today or tomorrow. My main computer is in the computer hospital right now so my little Acer is doing all my internet work and it is very hard to type on for any length of time.
I love your questions to me. They make me stop and think.
You’re welcome Lily! I’ll be sure to look out for your post. Thank you for letting me know about the commenting hiccup as well 🙂
Hope your computer is fixed soon 🙂
my sister is younger and she’s taller than me too, yeah pile of fall leaves are so gorgeous and fun to jump in. that’s great that sidekick likes you all to read together.
Hi Karen, thanks for your comment 🙂 That’s interesting about your sister – maybe our younger siblings were planted in manure or something to make them grow taller lol.
I know right! I love doing it as well because I love reading and he loves us spending the time with him.
Great answers (and questions!) I’m sure I’ve mentioned before – an it’s not quite musical theatre – but have you seen the Jersey Boys?
I haven’t seen Jersey Boys yet – I’ve seen the odd clip as part of Children In Need and things like that but not actually seen the performance – it didn’t really appeal to me when I first heard about it but I like a lot of the songs that appear in it anyway so maybe one day I’ll see it.
Loved reading all of those facts about you! Thanks for nominating us. We’ll have to get on those questions (the Megan answers vs. Jake answers should be pretty funny).
You’re welcome. I look forward to the Megan vs Jake answers,will keep an eye out of them 🙂
Wow thank you for this award Hannie! Appreciate it much. I wanted to be a forensic scientist, too, when I was a kid. But that wasn’t meant to be. I love that you try to read together as a family. I’ll try to blog about this today and answer your (tough) questions. :-p Thanks again!
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