Last week was bad, it started Monday with one message, then by Wednesday it was a splattering of text messages, by Friday I’d left it and was getting on with what I had to do, by Saturday morning I was almost crippled by what was sent to me in a FB message.
We don’t need details here. Just that things were said, my self-esteem crashed through the floor and virtually into the earth’s crust and I didn’t want to get out of bed.
Don’t ask me what happened other than seeing a message pop up of FB that a friend was ill and so she couldn’t help at The Fountain and the same friend texted me to apologise that Chris would have to work all day now because she was ill. I said these things happen – it’s not like you choose to be ill (MMM! I think I’ll have a cold today!)
Anyhoo so a combination of things including Our Sidekick being far too excited about life for 9am on a Saturday morning got me out of bed. I ended up helping out at The Fountain and having a good time. I then walked back to the car with my Mum and we grabbed some dinner for her and Dad on the way. I went out with JD and her friend and had an awesome evening watching Belleville Rendez-Vous at the Cycling Outside Cinema which was EPIC!
Following the preach at church, I went to the front to get prayed for and pulled faces at the drummer – it shouldn’t have put him off but he got all distracted and missed a beat which made me laugh (it’s always good to have a laugh when you start taking things too seriously!). I got prayed for (mentioned in yesterday’s post) and cried lots but they were good tears.
And this verse at the top came up. I think I let those words have power over me. I’ve been questioning all week if I’m a good friend and if standing up for what I believe in is the right thing. If I should not stand up for what I believe in so that my friend is happy. But then again my friend would understand why I am standing up for my beliefs and how hard it is and it wasn’t taken lightly as a decision but I did it.
Anyway! This is a new week, let’s get on with it rather than rehash and replay the past. Hard I know but I have no condemnation because I am in Christ – it’s not the easy route but it’s leading somewhere amazing.