Joining with Megan from Happy Day.
Dear Monday, I am pretty sure that every week you somehow sneak in that bit faster than the weekend before.
Dear Kids Work, I think teaching Kids Work is a bit like riding a bike. I’ve helped with bits of Kids Work since moving to RP but this weekend was the first time I’ve properly planned and lead it. I worked with DS which was fun. We had two Kid’s Worship songs, one was from my iPod which not all the children knew but joined in at least a little bit. One of the other leaders then asked for a second song that the kids might know a bit better so I borrowed a guitar from the cupboard and played one of the songs we do in the worship band. It wasn’t actually as hard as I thought it would be although with my music being on the floor I had to keep looking down for the next chord!
Dear Little One, your grandma was explaining to you about communion and how we do it in our church and why we do it. You came out with something really cool. “I know that Jesus is in my heart and if I hurt my knee and I ask him to fix it then Jesus just runs down there and fixes it. If my head hurts then he runs up there and fixes it”. Well there you go. You’re awesome Little One. Us adults sometimes dress things up in big words and complicated ideas but you’d got it in a way that you knew. Thank you for sharing it with your Grandma who then shared it with me and some of the others at church.
Dear Bicycle, the reason why I’ve been using Our Sidekick’s bike and not you is that you’re too heavy – it takes me more effort to get you moving than to pedal anywhere. I’d like to replace you – I know the one I’d like I just need to save up the money and decide where I can get it from – also do I want a basket or paniers? In my dream world I’d like one like you see in Amsterdam but I think one of those would be too heavy but it’s somewhere to start anyway. I rode Our Sidekick’s bike to the shop and his pedal is having a moment – I’m going to have to take the spanner to it.