I don’t know about you but some months, I think this is the month that I’m going to get this blogging thing back on track and then I get brain freeze and can’t think of anything to write about so, while I’m sat here with time to spare, I’ve been writing a list of ideas and here I’m sharing it with you. (There’s the list and also a printable if you’d like to add it to your bullet journal or planner)
Prompts for January
- Goals and intentions for the year. (What’s the difference take a look here)
- Your Word for The Year (more info here and here)
- Tips for sticking to your goals
- Have you sent thank you cards for your Christmas presents? If like me you made yours on Canva, maybe you can share your design for others to you.
- Show us your TBR for January (Have you set a goal of how many books to read this year? This was 2021 and 2022 is coming)
- Do you knit, crochet or sew? Do you have something on the go or just finished? Be sure to share.
- Maybe make up or skincare is your thing – share some tips or maybe your favourite products
- What are your favourite winter must haves?
- What are your current binge worthy TV shows or YouTube channels? (Vlogmas has just finished – maybe you’re still catching up).
- Bullet journal ideas for January
- Have you got some projects planned for this year? Why don’t you share them?
- Review your favourite planner.
- Conduct a reader survey or a social media poll. Blog based on the findings.
- Reading List for the Year – any you’re planning to read this year? Maybe it’s journals or blogs rather than books.
- Favourite Planning Tool – I am a pen and paper type of person but maybe there’s an online tool you prefer.
- Show us where you blog. At a desk? On the sofa? Maybe not at home?
- January activities with little kids – what things can you do at for free or low cost maybe?
- What about writing a how-to-guide for something you like doing?
- Top 10 Hints/Tips for….. maybe you’ve got some you can share.
- Revisit your very first blog post and reflect on how you’ve grown or how life has changed.
- A Sunday night routine for a great start to the week (or maybe your Sunday Reset list)
- Ten things you’d tell your 20-year old self.
- Date night ideas
- Frugal date ideas (If post Christmas budgets are getting you down, how about sharing your ideas for a cheap date night?)
- Tonight is Burns Nights – if you celebrate, what do you get up to? Do you have a proper haggis – or maybe you have an alternative? What have you got up to at previous celebrations?
- Five things you need to know how to fix (e.g. change car tire etc.)
- Essentials you can’t live without (You could stretch this by sharing by different rooms. What essentials do you have to have in your kitchen)
- How to be a great friend
- Share 10 Instagram accounts that inspire you
- Monday is always a bit stressful in our house, so how do you start Monday morning the right way.
- One month down, how are those goals coming along? Have you changed them? Have you given up already?
If you share them on social media – please tag me and I’ll share/RT etc.
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