335: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Fill In The Blanks - 30th November

Joining with Lauren from The Little Things We Do.

1.  “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is…”– singing Christmas songs at the top of my lungs in the car, wishing customers Happy Christmas – it kinda depends on if they are in a good mood or not as to whether it works or not!

2.  The holiday season is usually a bit crazy. Between Church events, concerts and then present buying I go a little made. It’s December 1st and NaNoWriMo is over now so I’m going to get my butt in gear and get my Christmas shopping sorted.

3.  When it comes to holiday decorating… it doesn’t happen until about the 15th, too early and it looks silly, too late and I run out of time. There’s two houses on my way to work and they already have their lights up. It’s making me feel more Christmassy, and also cheers me up on my way home when I’ve had enough.

4. The thing I look forward to most about the holidays is getting ready for catching up with family and things like that.

5. My favourite holiday tradition is decorating the tree as a family. Our first Christmas was interesting when Chris decorated the tree without me……..

6. This year my Christmas plans includehang with Chris and Our Sidekick, hang with Mum and Dad, catch up with my cousins, Aunt and Uncle.

7.  My favourite holiday food is  I think mince pies – I didn’t really like them when I was younger but they’ve grown on me as I’ve grown up.