40 Acts (Part 2 – Day 5)

40Acts - Doing Lent Generously

Day Five: Quiche?

I decided that this year would also be the one when I actively tried to take part in 40acts. I get the emails sent to me each Lent but often for one reason or another I don’t manage to do it. While Jaxon eats his breakfast in the morning I get reading the email so I can figure out how we can fit our day around the tasks for the day. 

Today’s Green Challenge

Cook for your friends or family tonight, and try to make sure everyone sits together to eat at the same time. Don’t rush the meal – enjoy each other’s company.

We try to eat together anyway when we can so Monday was already sort of in the diary as an “eat together” meal. It turned into a bit of a movie session too. On Sunday we had had family/household time and watched Gone in 60 Seconds (not really my cup of tea but I got on with crocheting in the corner). Following Monday’s dinner of Slimming World Turkey Burgers with Quinoa (or in my case left over rice from Sunday’s Chicken Tikka Skewers and rice) the boys put on The Fast and The Furious 7 (Again not my cup of tea but I was working and then crocheting so again it didn’t bother me so much!)I got to knitting yesterday with the best of intentions. I had a plan. Then it all went to pot. We walked a different route from town to the park and when I got to the park, I couldn’t find my phone. Those of you who know me, know that my phone is my right hand because of the amount of work I do on it (right now I’m writing this blog post while Jaxon plays but I know if I moved to the computer he’d be there trying to help me!).

So in a way I did complete the task but I had worked on a bonus so to speak. I got to knitting yesterday with the best of intentions. I had a plan. Then it all went to pot. We walked a different route from town to the park and when I got to the park, I couldn’t find my phone. Those of you who know me, know that my phone is my right hand because of the amount of work I do on it (right now I’m writing this blog post while Jaxon plays but I know if I moved to the computer he’d be there trying to help me!).

On a Monday morning, Jaxon and I catch the bus to Bedford Park and head for the Pavilion for Lemon and Ginger. This is a knitting group which has sort of expanding into a “if it’s something you can sensibly bring with you and do then bring it” group. I had a plan, there’s a lady there who is so welcoming and so kinda and caring, she’ll often chat to Jaxon and keep an eye on him when I got to get a drink or go to the toilet etc. I was going to buy her coffee for her. But I wanted to get there before her and pay for it so that it would be a surprise. But my plan didn’t work out. We walked a different route from town to the park as I thought it might be a nice change. When I got to the park I said to Jaxon that he could get out of the buggy and walk from where we were to the Pavilion, we didn’t really have the time as it was nearly 10:05 anyway but I tried to be calm, he was about to have to sit in a high chair for an hour or so, so burning off a bit of energy first would be a good idea. He was pottering along the path with me and I tried to find my phone to snap a picture of him to send ot the Grandparents, but my phone wasn’t there. Those of you know me, know that my phone is my right hand because of the work I do on it (As it happens the draft idea of this post was typed out on it while Jaxon was playing because I know if I move to the computer he’d be there trying to help me and it would frustrate me a whole heap!)

I check my coat, my jumper and the bags on the buggy. No sign of it anywhere. I’m panicking by this point. I’m trying to keep one eye on Jaxon while systematically check through my sewing bag, my handbag, my coat, my hoodie and things like that. I grab Jaxon and put him back in the buggy but in the crazy I caught his foot in the straps so not only was I now panicking about my phone. Jaxon is crying and I’m desperately trying to assess if I need to get him to medical assistance because I’ve done something bad (clearly I wouldn’t do this on purpose!) as well as trying to figure out, do I keep going to the Pavilion and get someone to ring my phone in case it’s still on the buggy or do I retrace my steps?

Well I decide to retrace my steps first. I had had it fairly recently so it wasn’t going to be far away, I sent up a prayer that God would help me find it – I’m sure he had some more important prayers to answer at that moment, but sometimes it’s those little ones that he answers.

Well we turned round and walked about 15-20 paces back around the park and there on the ground was my phone. OH MY WORD THANK YOU JESUS!

Now to sort Jaxon, I decide to head to the Pavilion, there would be enough Mums and Grandmas around the table that if I needed a second opinion before ringing my own mum in a flap there would be at least one or two to pick from. We got there and Jaxon and I were both in a state and sorting out the coffee just flew out of my mind.

The two ladies I was sat with were just amazing. Jaxon and I got settled in and had a cuddle. While I was sat there one of the ladies asked me would I like a drink, I explained where my purse was and she got me a drink even though I know walking and standing can be a challenge and there was a little queue at that point in time. Jaxon sat for 30-45 minutes having a cuddle on my lap which is completely crazy, he used to do it when he was younger but he normally has a quick cuddle and runs away again to do something else.

So yeah after all that I did sort of achieve the challenge when I got home but I had had intentions to do it in the morning before my sanity exited my body!


Did you achieve this challenge? What did you do?