On the 1st ish of each month I blog my goals for the month and how the last month went. Some months are a little easier than others.
How the March Goals went….
Finish the blanket I started for Our Sidekick.
I finished the blanket for Our Sidekick and left it outside his bedroom door while he was asleep. I got in from work the following day and he and Chris were hanging out in the living room. I went upstairs and when I came back onto the landing they were both stood at the top of the stairs wearing their respective “Hannah Made Blankets” as superhero capes. They both refused to run up the street for me so I could take a photo of the blankets flying behind them like capes.
Work on/Finish the baby blanket that I’m making for Blueberry.
I’ve been working on the baby blanket for Blueberry. I’m almost there – at the end of March I was down to about 3 or 4 squares to make but just needed to organise them around the squares I’ve already made.
Continue to work on my “Things for Baby” list – I’m sure I’ve forgotten something!
I got a checklist from one of the baby stores so I could have a starting point for my list. I crossed a heap off because either we didn’t need them or they’d be “nice to have” rather than “we need”. I was asked by a friend what I’d like and I’m still struggling – need to work on the list in theory.
So the goals for April go something like this…
Keep up on my body magic/Walk More
I live about a ten minute walk from where I work so for me to drive it’s really lazy. Some days it is needed because I finish work at 5 for example and have to be somewhere at 5:30 but while I can and as the weather gets better I want to try and walk instead of cheating.
Healthy/Optimised Eating
Since being pregnant, I’ve got into really bad habits with what I eat. I try and eat more fruit when I fancy something sweet but more often than not it doesn’t work, so now I’m attempting to do something about it. I know I’m supposed to put on weight but I can at least attempt to keep it in a healthy place (so far gained 5.5lbs since October and it’s still 11lbs lighters than in August last year when I started Slimming World.
Update Baby Wish List
I know that we still don’t have bedding for the cot or a change of bedding for the Moses basket so they need to go on there. I also need to get out all the baby clothes and see what I actually have in each age bracket. Then I need to think about things like an outfit to bring baby home in, but as I don’t know if we’re having a girl or boy do I take something unisex or do I take a girl outfit and a boy outfit just in case? But of course there are practical things to be done too.
Baby Shower Guest List
Write baby shower guest list (I wish Ruby could come but Australia is a little far away to come for a baby shower! Am thinking a skype baby shower might be possible). Is there an etiquette to who you invite to a baby shower? I completed a first draft yesterday but there was more people on it then I kind of expected so I’m not sure what to do. I’m guessing it’s up to me but at the same time I don’t want to miss out someone who’s really important and should be there.
Finish the baby blanket
I am really close to finishing the baby blanket so I want to get that done. I think I’ve got about a row and a half to go all the way round as a border and then it’ll be done. The question is…what shall I do next??