Little Makes

Little Makes – February

Little Makes was started by Jemma at Thimble and Twig and Fee at One of Each, I’ve not joined in for a while but thought I’d share the projects that I’ve been working on. A Trio of Baby Blankets Having paused on my...

Monthly Review: January 2019

January was here and then gone so quickly! What happened? Highlights from January The month started bittersweet and it wasn’t really a highlight but the fact that I got to see a lot of old friends was a highlight. Our...

Crazy Tidying!!

Back in 2015, I purchased The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo and started reading it. I think the saying thank you to my clothes was the thing that put me off at first although I was still excited...

Happy New Year
Recently Off The Needles

Hello there. So now it’s January 8th and I’m finally sitting down to write a blog post. Leading up to Christmas, I was desperately trying to homemade finish Christmas presents. I had had this great idea that making presents would...