Dear Grandma

Dear Grandma, Eight years ago you left us so unexpectedly. One day you were here then you were gone. I stood at the Harvest Supper this year at Chapel and tried to remember what we discussed on that last time...

This Week – A Summary…

This week – all sorts happened to with the new name etc. I’m attempting to throw in some new blog post ideas and join in with link ups and all sorts. So having seen this one ping up on Twitter...
The Brimbles Box

October’s Brimbles Box

To me, it always feels like October should be calm before the storm that is Christmas. Not this time round! October feels like it’s been more crazy than September was this year. One of my clients sent two big-ish projects...

Currently…31st October

The image below and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Watching… In all honesty, Christmas films. I discovered that there are a lot Hallmark Christmas films are on YouTube, so working my way through them. Reading… I’ve been reading lots of articles on...

Halloween or Not?

Growing up Halloween was one of those things that just passed without much notice being given to it. My folks would make a sign to the affect of “you knock and we ignore you” in the hope of deterring Trick...