Jaxon’s Second Birthday

With Our Sidekick and Chris being away on a residential trip this weekend, it was up to me to hold the fort and make sure Jaxon’s second birthday was celebrated well. It was almost like a warm-up for when the...

Happy Second Birthday Jaxon!

Dear Little One, Happy birthday my special precious. Today you turn two and it seems like the last two years have flown by. I spent the evening with a friend from our New Church yesterday and talked through your birth...

Currently – 4th July

Watching With Netflix adding Gilmore Girls to their playlist on Friday, it was a bit addictive and by Friday evening I’d some how already made it to episode 6 (Admittedly I had purchased episode 1 on about Wednesday from iTunes...

Currently – 27th June

I love these Currently prompts. They are used for Project Life and other scrapbooking projects but I think they work well for summarising my week. The image above and the Currently prompts from RUKristin. Watching… In the last few weeks, I’ve started and...