Currently…13th July

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I’ve been watching more Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries. It’s about 1929 now so...

Dear Jaxon…One Year Old

Dear Jaxon, Happy Birthday Special Precious One. Today you turn one and I’m questioning where the last year has gone to. You’re inquisitive and always on the go. We often mention how Uncle Richard would keep going until he crashed...

Huggies Little Swimmers

A few weeks ago I was approached by Huggies to review their swimming nappies. We’ve been taking Jaxon swimming on and off since he was about 8 weeks old. The first time we took him swimming he really wasn’t happy...

Currently…6th July

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching: I discovered a show called Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries. It’s an Australian...

Things I’m Grateful For

Each Friday I join with Ashley from Hello Nature and Laura from Ginger + Co to share the things I’m grateful for this week. Parents They pretty much come up every week when I do this list. This week my Dad...