BEDA Day 6

Blog Every Day in April (BEDA)

After my bonus posting yesterday I’ve got to today and have no inspiration lol. Well I do have a little but it’s all about work stuff so I’d just be boring everyone (it was a bad day and I’d like to rant but I’m going to be positive and look for the silver lining).

Now originally I had planned to go swimming today but I can’t. I’m thinking if my housemate is around that I’ll shout for tea and we can watch St Trinians 2 and create havoc in the living room for a little while lol.

I had meant to do lots of tidying and stuff like that but I can do that while I wait for The Kiwi to get in from work and then when the film finishes (unless we decide to watch another after).

I started watching The Lovely Bones yesterday. How is that Stanley Tucci can have such nice characters in The Devil Wears Prada and Julie and Julia but then play such a creepy mean character in The Lovely Bones? I guess thats the sign of a good actor or something like that. On the other hand I love Susie’s bright yellow flares – they are awesome!!

I’m thinking of downloading (or buying on DVD) Remember Me but I’m not sure – the trailer looks good but the blurb on the DVD Cover put me off a bit lol.

At present my “Would like to Watch” list keeps growing – I’m in two minds whether to post it to it’s own page or just stick it on a post (for now it’s going on this post I think)

Already out films

To Be Released


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