Often people write Bucket Lists with the goal of achieving the things on the list by the time they die, others like me write a Bucket List to complete before their next birthday or next major birthday like 30th or 40th.
This one is part of a specific exercise rather than something I’m working on myself (if that makes sense).
It’s called The Better You Movement (#betteryou), and it focuses on people making these small, 30-day bucket lists of things they’d like to accomplish in order to better themselves, their community, or to give back and help others.
So here are my goals, on this occasion they are all to do with me bettering myself. When Jaxon is a little older or a little more settled then I might be able to get back into volunteering and serving at church.
1. Lose 5lbs towards target.
So far, this hasn’t happened. In fact at weigh in on Thursday I had put on 2lbs. I have weigh in on Tuesday this week instead of Thursday. Hopefully it might have made some difference.
2. Finish crocheting current Christmas present and start next.
I haven’t even picked up the current Christmas present. I got distracted with the Adopted WIP and then picked up a different Christmas present. So I guess I’m working on a Christmas present even if it wasn’t quite the one I had been meaning to do.
3. 31 days in October meet step goal on at least 10 days (10,000 steps per day).
This in theory is fairly easy. Especially while we are having unusually warm weather but actually it’s not. I walked 13 miles earlier this week when I was in Blackpool with Chris and Jaxon but since I got back hitting the 10k steps daily goal only happened once (and only just!). I have to stay in on Monday to help out my brother with something but I figure walking home from church today might work.
4. 31 days in October meet water goal on at least 20 days. (2 litres per day)
Again another one that should be easy. I have a litre plastic bottle with a sports cap and so just have to drink two of them each day. While I was pregnant and since I’ve been breastfeeding I often find that I’m really thirsty. If I can do it for at least the 20 (actually 21 as that creates a new habit) should be enough to rewrite it as a habit and I will remember to do it.
Have you written a list of goals for October? Share your link below in the comments.

Wow, I should totally do this. Since I have started working from home full time I get so distracted and have trouble focusing on anything for more than 5 minutes.
I am doing bits and pieces but it would be easier if Jaxon would nap for longer than 30 minutes and not on my lap! I am managing to knit and crochet round him but writing any blog posts apart from on my phone is causing a challenge (hence why I’m only just catching up with replies!)
I need to start making short term goals! I love this idea!
Do it! I find sharing them makes me more focused and task orientated rather than making excuses as to why I didn’t complete them.
Love that your due date on your goals is much closer than a traditional bucket list! Always having something to look forward to is also exciting!
I’m 28, I’m pretty sure that I’m not going anywhere any time soon so aiming for shorter goals that I can achieve on a daily basis makes more sense. There are the goals like do the Tri-Peak challenge and stand in Times Square, Red Square and Harajuku Station which all require a bit more organisation (and a heap of saving up!) as well as Jaxon being a bit older. The water and step goals can both be done without too much disruption to Jaxon – in fact drinking more water while breastfeeding is probably a big help.
I think making short term goal lists are actually far easier than long term ones! I need to try this!
I have longer term ones too as some can’t be done until next summer for example but shorter ones are easier to maintain and try and achieve.
I have similar water and step goals that I have the hardest time meeting! Good luck with your goals over the next 30 days though. I love the idea of breaking them up into shorter, more achievable goals 🙂
There are phone apps that you can get that play a noise and post a notification on the home screen to remind you to drink. I have a plastic bottle that I keep refilling – I did have one with a sports cap but it got broken so I went back to a normal plastic one. I bought a really nice filtering bottle from the supermarket but the filter makes it virtually impossible to drink from (of course unless it was faulty I can’t really return it for a refund so I take the lid off it and drink from it that way when needed).
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