The ever so lovely Danielle – aka Biscuit-Girl – is hosting this fab giveaway – I would sit here and describe everything that is up for grabs but I wouldn’t do it justice so take a look here.
Be sure to enter for a chance to win…(theses are just some of the bits that I really like….)
- You can win this adorable handmade beanie from Amy @AmySchamamey
- 4 Pack of Faux Polaroids and a Custom Print from Creating Myself (Find Creating Myself: Shop/Blog)
- Win an adorable Kawaii Themed Package from Cute Stew (Find Cute Stew: Blog)
- Win a $35 Gift Card to (Find Bleubird Vintage: Shop/Blog)
- Crochet Headband and Sticker Mustache Set from PardonMyFFrench (Find PardonMyFFrench: Shop/Blog)
There are so many other goodies up for grabs!