Of course, I had the best intentions of writing or vlogging about Planner Con earlier in the week. I got the tripod out ready to record a video of some sorts and the holder bit for my phone has ended up hiding somewhere and I’m not sure where it is. So that plan was shelved. Then I realised I needed to get a wiggle on and write about it.

This weekend just gone, I attended Cambs Planner Con organised by Anna aka Mrs. Brimbles. There had been a moment when I thought I had lost my place but thankfully I’d got myself in a knot over nothing because I still had my place and I could go.
In a way, Planner Con started for me on Friday evening. Leading up to Planner Con, I’d volunteered to help Anna with anything she needed help with either in the run-up or on the day.
One of my duties was sorting out the evening meal on Friday. It wasn’t exactly an official Planner Con event but it was a pre-Con event if people wanted to come to that bit.
Having handed over Jaxon duty to Chris and jumped in the car. I drove to the Brewer’s Fayre in St Neots. I wanted to make sure those coming knew who to look for so I snapped a selfie and posted it to the FB Group before heading into the building. I figured it might be easier to spot at least one friendly face if the other lovelies knew who they were looking for. (I am so rubbish at taking selfies! I’d say I need more practice but that might be a bit narcissistic!)
I thought I would get there and I would be waiting for people to arrive but I got to the restaurant and people had already arrived. I guess this threw me a little bit but it was okay.

During the meal, I got up to chat with the staff to organise the next bit and bumped into Leila aka Swanny. The last time I saw her in person was at #140Conf in 2009! Yes, I know!! Crazy! We tried to figure out if we were into planners at that point and hadn’t just put two and two together. Following the conversation with Leila, I had to decide which planners I was taking with me. I thought I’d already made up my mind but then I got home and had to decide all over again. (Top to Botttom: A6 LoveFromPoppyDesigns TN, A5 Notebook from John Lewis, Meadowgate Leather Standard TN, Yellow Leuchtturm A5 Notebook, Lyra and Co Fauxdori, Erin Condren Hourly)

The Lyra and Co Fauxdori above along with the chocolate below were presents from Mona and Sarah who had come to Cambs Planner Con all the way from Germany! I love Lyradoris – my favourite is my A5 one with cameras on the front.


After going to collect my hire car, I loaded up the car and got on the road, I collected one of the other planner ladies from her hotel and we drove across the town to the venue. When we arrived at the venue there was a queue as people waited for the doors to be opened. Anna (Mrs Brimbles) was on the door and welcoming people – it was great to see her. We were given our name badges then it was time to find our seats – the first seat I tried to sit in was already reserved so I had to move. I ended up sat with a lovely bunch of ladies. Each table had these fab sequins on them. I followed the example from a few other people and added them to my badge (like above).
I think out of all the sessions, the creative journalling session with Geraldine or the making session with the lovelies from Lush Cambridge were my favourite. They were both “get on and do” sessions which is definitely more my kind of thing.
I had a lovely time again. I wish I had been a bit more confident to talk to more people – I kept being a bit of a chicken! By the Sunday I was beginning to flag but I was excited. Following Planner Con I was driving over to my friend’s baptism so even though I was tired the excitement was keeping me going.