236: Results Day….

10 years ago this week I got my GCSE results. I remember because I was on the way to Soul Survivor with the church youth group, I also remember because my Mum phoned me to tell me my results (The...

234: Bedford Park Run. Wk2

Found here On Saturday I did Park Run again. I say run but between the heat and my ankle just being funky I pretty much walked a bunch of it – I still came in under an hour and surprised...

214: Films

If you hadn’t already guessed I’m a bit of a film nerd. I could quite happily park myself in front of the TV with crisps or popcorn and watch all the LOTR films or the Star Wars film (got to...

209: Bristol 2012 – Day Four

Today’s activity was Our Sidekick’s choice and it had lots of photo opportunities so this might be a bit photo heavy. (Also I’m writing this on my iPhone so the format might be funky!) Our Sidekick requested if we could...