145: Encouragement

I had a horrible day yesterday – to the point that I was in tears twice. I seem to spend each week charging towards the weekend – the weekend comes and goes and then I dive head first into the...

031a: I Am Kinda A Test

I’ve been having trouble getting my blog to talk to Facebook and then get the comments to link back and things like that – so this is a test to share some of the interesting bits I’ve found on Pinterest....

The One with Wreck This Journal

I found this photo on Flickr earlier today – I keep meaning to write about stuff but then somehow forget lol. I got my Wreck This Journal back in June before we moved house but I have no idea what...

Sewing and Our Dream House

I’ve decided that I am asking Father Christmas for this here and lots of ribbons and fabric and bits and bobs like that, basically lots of sewing goodies. The challenge will be finding somewhere to store all those beautiful sewing goodies....

The handbag I made for my Mummy

This is the handbag I made my mum for her birthday – hope she likes it. UPDATE:  So I wrapped Mum’s handbag at hispeed this morning before her and Dad picked me and Chris up to head for London. She...