This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can get all sorts of You can find that here. Have a good week!
Currently… Watching Mainly spent the last two weeks ish working my way through as many Christmas films as I could manage. Well there’s only a limited window of opportunity for Christmas films so need to get them squished in as quick as possible. I discovered today that NowTV have a featured list of Musicals so I watched Mamma Mia today while curled up not the sofa crocheting as I wasn’t feeling great. I then watched Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. We played Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit with my cousin at Christmas and I realised how rusty I was so thought if I start revising now hopefully by my birthday we’ll be ready for a rematch!
Currently… Reading I signed into my Goodreads account about a week before Christmas and realised that I was less than half way through my GoodReads Challenge for 2015. So when the sign up opened for 2016 I decided that I would start a fresh and get on with it. I meant to finish the books that I had already started but when I was given books for Christmas it didn’t happen that way. At the moment I am working through Code by Kathy and Brendan Reichs. I then have As Always, Julia
and Saving Bletchley Park to read.
Currently…Listening Chris has got Made in Dagenham playing on the TV. I was taking part in a Twitter Chat so weren’t really paying attention to it but am listening to it now. I love Bob Hoskin’s character in the way that he’s all for girl power!
Rita O’Grady: What I don’t get is why it’s so important to you. Albert Passingham: I got brought up by my mum. Me and me brothers. She worked all her life. And she paid my aunt Lil to take care of us during the day. And it was hard, especially as she was getting less than half than what the blokes at the factory was getting, for doing the same work. And there was never any question that it could be any different. Not for her. Someone has got stop these exploiting b***ards getting away with what they’ve been doing for years. And you can, you can, Rita, believe me.
Currently… Making The secret granny squares are all completed now so I’m back on my own projects. I discovered a pattern that works for hexagons so I got started and have made something like 40 hexagons since Christmas. I’ve had this wool in my stash in various different colours since going on maternity leave with Jaxon, so now I’ve found a pattern I like I’m doing my best to churn out the hexagons and create something with them. Hopefully it’ll work.
Currently… Feeling I was feeling better but then in the last couple of days I’ve gone down with a cold-flu bug thing. Hoping to kick it sooner rather than later so that I can get 2016 started properly. I’ve been avoiding writing a resolution list but I think I am going to write a goals list of things I want to achieve by my birthday in April as well as what I want to achieve by the end of the year. I can do this so I guess as well as feeling ill I am feeling determined to get stuff done.
Currently… Planning I’ve moved back to a Moleskine notebook properly now. I got my A5 Filofax back off the shelf while I work my way through Kirsten’s Epic Free Blog Planner. Yes Free! Indeedy! Take a look here. But it’s printed out slightly smaller than A5 so I might be able to cut the page down and stick it into my Moleskine as I work my way through it – after all my Bullet Journal is MINE. It doesn’t need to conform to rules. Take a look at Miss Zoot’s Bullet Journal Joy Blog and Bullet Journal, if you want more information.

What a great idea for a post and I love the ‘Currently’ title. I may just have to get involved with this one at some point! #blogsleeprepeat
The tags are actually from a journalling stamp that RUKristin sells in her online store but it works really well for a blog post too. Sorry it’s taken me over a week to come back and say thank you for your comment 🙂
Hey! Thanks for stopping by – sorry it’s taken me so long to reply (Well I guess a week is along time in blogging lol). Let me know when you do join in, I’ll pop by and comment/share 🙂
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