Day 1098

Yesterday you came home with our new car. Today it gets insured and I get to drive it. Yay!

Okay so that sentence doesn’t show how excited I was lol. We got back home and while I waited for you and Vicky to park I kept dancing in the street – I was excited and kinda relieved that I didn’t have to worry about breaking down – I just had to get the insurance sorted and then could look into posting the car online to sell it.

Daihatsu Sirion
Originally uploaded by hannypants

EDIT: I was too excited! When my first alarm went off at 7:45, I dozed for a little while then got up and dressed. I wanted to phone the car insurance people straight away but I came and asked you first – I was all prepared that you would say no but you said yes that I could phone them and get it changed. I got it sorted and then set out for work – I was going to be early so took a really diverted route to work.
When I got to work I went up the end where it was really empty and practiced a reverse bay park – for reference I can do them but pulling in nose first will do for now while I still get the hang of it lol.