Hi there. 3 posts later and December is almost done.
It’s the 30th and I’ve spend most of the day in bed. I did get up and go to the supermarket on my way to work in the hope that Orange Juice and snacking on satsuma or five would help me feel better. However by about 9:40 I was feeling rubbish and decided that hope and bed was going to do me better (this is why I’m blogging from my phone while my iPad plays You’ve Got Mail wrapped up in my fleecy pjams and duvet).
So where did December go? Well Christmas usually starts around the 15th with the Carol Service at my parent’s church and the Nativity at church. Well this year I wasn’t involved in the Nativity which was one less thing to fit in. Then again this year we were invited and were able to go to the Christmas Dinner at my parent’s church which was at the beginning of December so Christmas started earlier.
Every year I try to be a bit more organised than the previous year, I was doing better this year until various things stepped out of line and I ended up at Interchange on the 20th trying to get one last present. Having said that I did get one present today but then the person I was giving it to has been out of the country and then catching up with family and sleep since touching down in the UK lol.
So January will soon be upon us and 2014 is full of a crazy amount of adventure for us….but more to come in another post. I’ll be back soon.