In recent years, I’ve been to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace twice and both times I’ve stopped by the Toft stand.
Each time I see the TOFT stand I debate whether I *need* another ball of wool and a pattern. I keep looking at the Imaginarium book and trying to decide if I would make use of it – while the prize is in my house I keep having a peek…maybe it needs to go on a future wish list!
After the Knitting and Stitching show back in October I reached out to the team at Toft to see if we could collaborate. Then we started the ball rolling on this giveaway. Hopefully there will be an interview with Kerry to follow at some point in the future.
TOFT was started from the Toft Alpaca Stud farm that Kerry Lord had grown up on. She’d been away to university and come back with the question “What do I do next?” She’d moved back and it was shearing season so got thrown into that – I guess the rest is history! Ten years and three books later, The Toft Alpaca shop has evolved into TOFTuk.
The TOFT Studio is home to the TOFT luxury British DIY knitwear and wool company, offering alpaca and wool knitting yarns and exclusive easy-to-make knitting and crochet patterns. TOFT was founded by Kerry Lord in 2006 who is also the writer and designer of the Edward’s Menagerie crochet pattern series.
TOFT designs and manufactures quality alpaca and wool yarn and fashionable knitwear here in the UK from British sourced luxury fibres and is based on an alpaca farm in Toft, Warwickshire. Workshops to learn to knit and crochet are available for all skill levels in an on-farm studio.
So do you love crochet? Maybe you’d like to these creations.
Each pattern has a number of combinations in the book. Each creation is split into 3 parts. You then pick from 23 designs in each part to create your creation.
So if like me you’re a nerd: That’s 23 head combinations and each head combination has its own body combination. That’s 23×23 then each combination of that has 23 leg combination so you have 23x23x23. So that’s a total of over 12,000 different combinations. It might keep you out of trouble for a little while anyway…
If you’re the winner of the hardback copy of Edward’s Imaginarium there are also PDF patterns to accompany them. I’ll be in touch with the winner to organise that bit with the winner and Toft.
If you have questions, leave a comment or drop me an email.

I like the Afghan Hound kit
Hi Folks excellent comp and excellent facebook pages
I also like the Afghan Hound kit woof woof
The woolly mammoth is my favourite!
Josh for the head or Dylan for the arms – if you can mix and match, I’ll be all set! 😀
They’re soooooo cute. My fave is probably The Westie Kit 🙂
Many thanks, my fave is TEESWATER SHEEP KIT x
That reindeer is super cute
I love the woolly mammoth
I like the Afghan Hound kit.
They are all so cute but I love the DOG BUNDLE 2: BARKING MAD because it’s got a Husky in it
All super cute but saw this one and fell in love BELLA THE MONSTER KIT
The mini animal set is my favourite
I love Icarus The Monster Kit
The Woolly Mammoth 🙂
My daughter would probably love all of the giant animal knits, but the koala is very nice!
I LOVE the triceratops kits!! x
I like Edward’s menagerie book
Love the large westie animal kit
I like the frog kit
The Dalmatian is adorable!
bella the monster kit looks fab
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