Since becoming a foster parent to Our Sidekick I started counting “Firsts”. When you’re a parent you count, first steps or first words but with Our Sidekick being older (and able to do them!). I counted other firsts, our first experiences together.
This is the first of two Firsts I have to write about.
However this comes with an introduction – it’s become a tradition that I go to see the Twilight films with my Aunt and my Cousin. I don’t know whether it was an unwritten rule that I’d done myself but in my mind – if I did see it multiple times then I had to see it with them first. Well, that didn’t quite work out and I feel a bit bad now – hence why it’s taken me 4 days to write about it.
On Saturday, Our Sidekick and I went to the cinema – Chris was a bit stressed by Friday and really needed a bit of a lay in just to chill so I got up when Our Sidekick arrived home from his sleepover at a friends and I decided that we’d go out to the cinema – we were in the queue for tickets and it was our turn but it turned out they had literally just sold out of tickets for the kids showings.
Well I made a choice – Our Sidekick is in a bit of limbo because he’s still young enough to go to the kids film club on a Saturday morning but also old enough to see the 12A rating films. We ended up going to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 but because Our Sidekick hasn’t seen some of the films between the first Twilight film and Breaking Dawn, I spent some of the film explaining to him what was happening.
I think he enjoyed it but when I said that the next part didn’t come out until next Summer or next November he was like “NOOO!!!!”, maybe I have to encourage him to read the books and then it will all fall into place a bit better. We also had a whole discussion about contact lenses on the way home. I had two old contact lenses in the cupboard that are the wrong prescription and have expired so I took one out of the packaging to show Our Sidekick what they look like. I think he was a little grossed out which was kind of funny having just watched a vampire film!
All in all the film was good and would be better if it was standalone without the books – mainly because I did the “where has that bit gone?” for most of the film also I was trying to work out if some scenes were CGI as it would be too dangerous for Kristen Stewart to lose that much weight for a role.
I am going to see it for a second time on Thursday – it’s the tradition trip with my Aunt and Cousin and it’ll be interesting to see what they thing.