Back in January I wrote a list of goals for 2015 – you can find the full list here. While Jaxon is asleep and the boys are off doing things around the house I thought I’d work on some blog posts and get an update posted. Here is the list of work goals (or at least as it was in January) along with the additional ones I’ve added now.
- Create Daisy Media website
- Keep blog updated 2/3 times a week
- Complete Website 1
- Redesign Website 2
- Set up planner as Bullet Journal or similar system along with all the tasks I need to do.
- Attempt to get the next week’s to do list written on a Friday evening or a Sunday afternoon so that it’s ready to hit the ground running on a Monday morning.
- Make sure I take enough time away from my computer and enough time to hang out with the boys
Done. Well I got as far as creating it but it’s still a work in progress. Actually running my small business seems to take a higher priority than my website at the moment but I am determined to get some blog posts on there eventually! That might have to be a goal for the rest of the year – maybe try and post at least once a week to start with!
It definitely seems to fluctuate but apart from one week I have managed to post at least twice a week. Now to continue it for the rest of the year.
Website number 1 is up and running, it still needs caring for every so often and I’m a sort of help desk for the owner so I’m often on it playing with it when needed.
This one has sort of stalled. It’s definitely on my to do list and I am working on it but it has taken a bit of a back seat. I feel like I need to write a massive to do list and then ask Chris when I need some help to make sure I can get it sorted. A friend of mine is helping with the photography for it so at least that side of it is in hand. I think a lot of photos were taken this weekend.
New Goals to add to the list:

These are really great goals to work towards. I’ve seen a lot of other bloggers mention using Bullet Journals and it looks like they really help to focus your mind and keep track of tasks. If you do decide to try it in your planner I’d love to see an update of how you get on with it.
You should take a look at – she swear by her Bullet Journal. I’ve not been focused enough to get it sorted and sort of still have a mixture of a system. It’s kind of working for now anyway.
Hey lovely Hannie!
Great to see your goals for 2015… I have one too – to kick start my blog again. I think the timing is much better now as I’m flooding my note book with ideas and things seem to be clearer here. How do you store your ideas? Do you have any handy tips? I bet you could probably write a whole post on blog writing! I hope you don’t mind but I’ve linked you in my latest post.
Love and hugs.
Well that was a pleasant surprise. I saw the notification pop up and meant to read it but ended up folding laundry before getting into bed. Then I read it and was like “yay! hallleeeww”. I’ve just sent you a FB group invite. It’s a group of lovely bloggers who will answer questions if you have any and you can add your links to the threads and get encouragement and advice etc.
It varies how I store my ideas. If I’m out and about I might send myself a text message or if I have my notebook then I’ll scribble in there, if you check out these posts there’s quite a lot that might help. I can always email you other bits too.
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