Joining up with:
Ashley from Hello Nature, Laura from The Laura Way & Nay from Coffee-N-Ink.
Today I am writing about the gratitude I have…
My friend Loz arriving safely from Australia – last time I saw her was when I was about 18 and her, her sister and parents all emigrated there. She’s back for a month, what an early Christmas present! I ended up going for lunch today with her and our friend Cat (and two little boys!) we had a lovely time catching up – it was like the old days (plus the additions)
My friend Becky had her baby this weekend just gone, her little girl arrived safely into the world and is gorgeous! Can’t wait to hopefully meet the little one at some point – for now I’ll look at pictures on FB. Her little girl is over 3lbs lighter than Jaxon was when he was born! He’s a chunk – then again he might take after Chris and once he’s walking he won’t stop!
I am grateful for the nap that Jaxon is having in the middle of the living room floor while I write this post and do various other bits that aren’t so easy when he’s awake. I probably should start dinner but Our Sidekick is out doing his paper round and when he gets in he might still be waiting for his Mum to call so I won’t rush it. It’s either chicken breast or gammon – I’m thinking a gammon sandwich might be quite nice so hopefully Our Sidekick will take the chicken lol.
I am grateful for the time I got to spend with Chris this morning, although he’s had the week off he’s has various adventures so it was important to get some time in for us. We had breakfast today over at O for Coffee as I needed to get some wool and I knew for sure that Tudor Rose had the right shade and the right brand. I had a sausage sandwich and Chris had a gluten free bacon sandwich I think – definitely not on plan but I can work on that for the rest of the week.
I am grateful that the weather was nice today and hoping that the weather tomorrow will be nice too as I’m off to the hairdressers to have my hair cut – it’s quite long now and needs some TLC – I’m thinking of having it cut short to try and keep it a little more cared for while Jaxon is so little. I keep moulting loads or finding my hair round his toes or fingers (reading about hair tourniquets is not so good – they need to warn about that).