Back in the February half term, we went to Copenhagen for a few days. Having been in the summer too, we were excited to see the city in a different season and visit new places. We were nervous about travelling when the COVID-19 Pandemic was getting worse around us. (The first case in Denmark was reported a week after we’d been there). Anyway, here’s what we got up to while we were there. All the posts from this series can be found here.
Day Six
Even with it being really wet outside, I was excited for today. We were heading for Torvehallerne but also making a stop at Sankt Peder’s Bageri which we had also visited back in the Summer.

Wednesday is the best day to visit as they freshly bake Ondsdagsnegls (Wednesday Snails). Imagine a cinnamon swirl but rather than being pastry it’s more doughy like a bread. It was so good when we got them in the Summer that we had to come back.
With it being so wet, I think everyone was trying to find a seat and eat in rather than takeaway so we grabbed ours to go and attempted to find a doorway or something to shelter under to stay dry. We walked to Ørstedparken in the hope there would be somewhere there but we didn’t find anywhere. The rain did ease of a bit so it wasn’t quite as bad. In the end, I put mine into my bag and figured I’d appreciate it later when I wasn’t so soaked!
We walked through Ørstedparken and Israel Plads to Torvehallerne which is a fresh food market. There are stalls where you can buy fresh food to take home and cook like fish and meats. Then there are also stalls where you buy prepared food. We had banana ice cream when we visited in the summer (I think this was a temporary outdoor thing during the summer as all the little outdoor stalls weren’t there this time). We found a quieter corner in the Torvehallerne and had some of our pastries from the bakery as we were all getting a little grumpy (mostly probably hangry!).
We had a wander around Tiger and Panduro Hobby as they were walking distance from Torvehallerne and meant we could stand int he dry for a little bit!
Chris has this idea that we could move to Denmark for a year (Especially with Brexit looming and us, therefore, losing EU citizenship and all the privileges we get with being a member state). One of my “it’s scary therefore I’m not doing it” points was that going to Lemon and Ginger at The Pavilion is a massive part of my week/life and therefore if I’m decamping elsewhere I needed to find a similar knitting group that I could join and make friends at. So Chris set about finding me a knitting group in Copenhagen. He found one that should be meeting at Valby Public Library. Having wandered around local shopping centre as we were too early, we then sat in the library for nearly an hour waiting for people to arrive for the group. In the end, no-one showed up.

I’m quite glad the boys were there to “hold my hand” otherwise I think I’d refuse to go back (or might have gone home for a cry in my current hormonal pregnant state). The boys did however have fun trying to read the childrens books in Danish and then discuss the stories in English. I did manage to complete an armhole on my jumper so it wasn’t a completely wasted hour sat in somewhere warm and dry.

We took the train from Valby to Herlev and then walked from the station to Cecilies. Cecilies is an indoor mini golf course and bowling alley. There’s also a restaurant so you can get dinner and a game of golf. Jaxon is absolutely loving playing mini golf at the moment (actually he even asked to go and play a proper 18 hole kind of game of golf recently – I think a driving range might be the starting point) so when he asked to go and play mini golf, Chris had a look to see if we could do it while on holiday. For dinner, Chris had to order the food when we booked so he’d ordered me a chicken burger. It was a lovely burger and filled a hole. It was good fun to play golf – I’m not a massive fan but Jaxon had spent a lot of time doing our stuff so it was good for him to have time to do something he likes. When the boys go to play mini golf near home, I usually despatch the boys to play while I sit in the bar/coffee shop and read or knit rather than joining in.

Some of the course was hard even for Chris and I so we kept editing Jaxon’s score so he didn’t end up too far behind (especially as he’s still getting the hang of a lower score being the winner)
After dinner we walked back to the train station – we had just missed one train as we got to the station so we had to wait for the next one to arrive. Jaxon was really good even though he was tired and it was getting close to 9 pm by the time we’d got back (That was only 8 pm UK time but with all the walking we’d done he was shattered!)
All the posts from this series can be found here.