I guess in a way Jaxon’s birthday celebrations started with our trip to Legoland at the beginning of July.
I had meant to write about it all sooner but in all the craziness following Jaxon’s party I didn’t make it to it until now.
With help from my Mum, we’ve been plotting and planning all the bits for what seems like months now! We had two or three to do lists going at one point between Jaxon’s party, Chris’s party and our holiday.
The invites were created by Chris. The balloons were from Up. I love how it’s all about sharing life’s adventures and although Jaxon doesn’t quite get it at the moment but hopefully in the future he’ll understand. The number 1 was then inspired by Thomas and Friends as it’s one of Jaxon’s favourite shows. I gave Chris the rough idea that I wanted and then went away to do something else. I love what he came up with. What do you think?
Decorations were a bit of a mismash but they were around the theme of primary colours.
The balloons were by Forever Flowers. Karen was really lovely and helpful. We were able to collect the balloons on the day of the party so that they were freshly inflated.
The marquee went up on Thursday with help from my Grandad, parents and brother. Jaxon had been sat on the patio and while we were trying to put it up he face planted the floor and grazed his head so I headed inside to give Jaxon some milk (boob to the rescue!). Mum then came in and gave Jaxon tea and then put him to bed.
Friday was then all systems go. Dad and I ran errands to collect crockery, cake, drinks and other bits. He even took a bunch of stuff to the recycling centre for me. What a superstar!!
We were so blessed by all the presents Jaxon received. My next job is to write his thank you letters. How many years until he does it himself?
I had mentioned how I’d love to do a cake smash with Jaxon but had intended to probably do it when we were the only ones home so I could scoop him straight into the bath! Well with some egging on from Hannah and Cat I let Jaxon go for it – and oh he loved it! He’s like his mum and loves his cake!

Looks fantastic – they grown up so fast!
It’s really funny – recently he seems to have grown into himself more. I looked at him yesterday and he just seemed really grown up lol.
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