Day 2 – Monday
Back at the beginning of November, Chris and I had a proper holiday in The Lake District. We stayed with our friend’s family and were made to feel very welcome. Often us going on holiday is a long way down the list after other things are taken care of so it gets put off a lot! I’ve always wanted to visit The Lake District so loved this opportunity. Well, I took lots of pictures and so they are going to be broken down into each day or you can find me on Instagram where a lot of them have been uploaded to.
We grabbed breakfast at the hotel we were staying at before heading up to Ulverston. Chris decided that we’d have a proper breakfast as there was a proper cafe/restaurant rather than the normal Travelodge breakfast pack you get. I had toast with nutella on it, sausage, eggs and bacon, then a croissant – I think Chris wanted to get his moneys worth lol.
We headed up to Ulveston pretty much straight after, Chris got me to drive – which was fair given he drove most of the way up to Oldham in the first place. We arrived just before lunch and got introduced to Mr and Mrs G who we were staying with for the week. We were shown where we were sleeping and sat and chatted in the living room while lunch was being got ready. Mr G had made beans on toast with an omelette thing on the side – it was yummy. Mr G had a guidebook that he showed us – Chris and I had a flick through and had a look at places to visit and started on something like a plan.
Following lunch, we went for a drive up the East Shore of Coniston then onto Tarn Hows. We went for a walk around Tarn Hows which was nice and we took a lot of pictures – including some silly ones along the way. This took up a chunk of the afternoon and we headed back to the house and I had a nap – It was actually a bit of an accidental nap. I was really tired even though we’d hardly done anything. I think it was probably all the fresh air but also, I think I’ve been carrying the weight of the world and now I could relax.
Dinner was Beef Stew with Mash Potatoes and Brussels. Well I handed my Brussels over to Chris. I try to be polite when other people cook for me but I didn’t want them to go to waste so passed them over. We spent the evening with Mr and Mrs G, we watched University Challenge (yes I did shout the answers at the TV and I got some right which was a miracle of sorts) and an episode of Panorama discussing energy bills and the cost of energy. It was kind of interesting especially as if we had the money and our house faced the right direction we’d like to look into photovoltaic panels for the roof.
You can read about the rest of our adventure in The Lake District here.