Currently… image from rukristin
The Good Wife (Season 2)
Grey’s Anatomy (Season 10)
The Lucky One
Not a lot! Mainly Pinterest and Blogs
Worship music – as I write this I’m listening to Redemption Songs by Kate Simmonds. It’s a bit of an older album but I still love it. When I was Lost, We’ve Come To Praise You and We Come In Your Name are my two favourites.
Baby blanket is still in progress but it is getting there. Squares 23 to 25 were powered by sunshine and blue skies.
All over the place. Pregnancy hormones are driving me bananas. They make me cry or just down right grumpy but a bit hopeless too. I feel a bit down in the dumps and little things make me stress more. I’m sure it’ll pass and if not I’ll mention it to the midwife when I see her in four weeks ish.
Adventures. Because of Blueberry being due just before the summer holidays we’re working on fitting our main family holiday in Easter or May Half Term. Current idea is to go to Ironbridge and the local area to that.
The sunshine. That’s two Sundays in a row where we’ve had sunshine and it’s been warm enough to sit outside. Chris worked on the garden this Sunday while I crocheted and observed. Well I’d get in trouble if I moved the dead fence panel or tried to cut the grass.