This is May’s review – it’s been sat in my drafts waiting to be completed and here it is. This month’s Monthly Review. Do you write a similar post? I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. . You can see others here.

- A large chunk of May was our adventure to Paris and Disneyland Paris. We had a great time but it did mean that the first week of May was a bit crazy trying to get everything done.
- Paris was lovely. Before we headed to Disneyland, we stayed in the city for a couple of days. We visited the Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower and the Sacre Coeur. We walked a lot of the time rather than taking the Metro which mean we got to explore the city all that bit more.
- Disneyland was really fun. We had expected it to be quieter with it being term time but hadn’t quite expected how quiet it would be. Minus Meet the Princesses and Meet Mickey most rides had wait times under 30 minutes and when they were close to that we were often able to get a Fast Pass instead of queuing. I think the longest queue we found on something that we wanted to go on was when we went to Ratatouille.
- Jaxon also contracted Chicken Pox which was really kind of tough. We were “quarantined” in our hotel room for the last day and a bit before we travelled home. We’d gone through all the necessaries in case we had to delay our trip home but in the end we were able to travel home which was really good. Jaxon and I spent the next week at home. I think the only time I went out was to go to a meeting and to go to the supermarket and in both cases my amazing parents stepped in to help on Jaxon duty.
- Once we were home we tried to get back on track as best we could. I tried to work around Jaxon being at home, it wasn’t always easy but we made it work.
- Auntie Rachel came round for dinner as it was her birthday. It was lovely to see her and tell her all about our trip.
- With it also being the half-term holiday, once Jaxon was clear of the Chicken Pox, we went to Safari MK soft play so he could burn off some built up energy!
Top Posts Viewed in May
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- Simplify 2018: Sorting Mugs and Under the Stairs
- A Weekend in Paris: Sunday
- Things I Love Thursday v2
- A Weekend in Paris: Friday and Saturday
- Baby and Play: Bedford’s Independent Toy Shop
- Recently off the Needles: Find Your Fade
- 110: Life Thru A Lens
- 111: Fill in The Blanks Friday
- Ironbridge 2014: Day 4 (April 16th)
Projects Worked on in May
Prior to our trip to France, I had been working more on the Unicorn KAL from ArteSanitorium and a mystery present for a friend. These both went on hold and I ended up taking a ball of wool and a crochet hook to France with us, so start a new baby blanket. When we got back I spent the week catching up on work so not all that much crochet or knitting got done. Having tidied up the corner where my wool and WIPs generally congregate, I found an old project that needed some love so I’m trying to complete that one rather than just putting it back in the corner for another day. I’m hoping this will be off the hook soon and I can share it in another post.
Books Read in May
While we were away I managed to fit in lots of book reading!
While I was away I completed:
- Coming Home by Fern Britton
- Falling Short by Lex Coulton (Started but really didn’t get on with it)
- Door of Hope (Lincoln Square Series – Book 2) by Anna Huckabee
- Talents (Lincoln Square Series – Book 1) by Anna Huckabee
- Sandover Beach Memories by Emma St. Clair
- Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
and started:
New Beginnings by Fern Britton and the audiobook of The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials Book 1) by Philip Pullman
Series Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- Madam Secretary
- Grey’s Anatomy
- iZombie
- Once Upon A Time
- Something About The Rain (Korean TV series)
Films watched
- Sherlock Gnomes
- About Time
- Candy Jar
- The Kissing Booth
- Return to Me
- The Greatest
- My Perfect Romance
- Miracles from Heaven
- Meditation Park
- The Intern
Goals for June
- Catch up on blogging and try to get some posts scheduled ahead of time.
- Keep up the reading (maybe not at the same pace as in May but at least clear a few off the list!)
- Set up my Passion Planner (when it arrives!)