I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is October’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write a monthly review all about what I’ve been up to each month.
Highlights from October
- October started with the Harvest Supper at the chapel. With Chris being at youth group and Our Sidekick having plans, Jaxon had to come with me. He was a very good boy and behaved himself as I helped Mum with serving the meal. When I got him home he went straight to bed as he was absolutely shattered by then!
- At the beginning of November, we will have been in our house a decade, so we’ve been looking at our outgoings as far as the mortgage and figuring out if we are on the best deal and bits like that. There was lots of adulting on my part, as I was going to meetings at the bank to chat to the lady there.
- With Jaxon starting school, there have been lots of extra sessions to learn about what’s he’s learning. I went to a session at school all about the school will be teaching Jaxon phonics and then how to read. (His first book should be arriving home any day and I’m super excited!)
- Even though there were a couple of days which felt a bit crazy, I managed to grab coffee with a friend and we got to chat about all sorts of bits without getting distracted by our respective children (yay for school or husband’s who take child-duty)
- Mum and I went to Vue to see the live stream of Cliff Richard’s concert. We had a lovely time but there were a couple of hiccups which did interrupt the evening a little bit but overall it was lovely. We worked out that I was probably the youngest in the room lol.
- Jaxon had his first Parent’s Evening and oh my goodness I am so proud! He’s settling into school so well and he’s learning so much each day!
- After a bit of a confusing conversation with the Receptionist at my GP surgery. I had an appointment at the Asthma Clinic and the nurse decided I was still Asthmatic enough to qualify for my flu vaccine.
Top Posts Viewed in October
- Fall 2018 – 10×10 Challenge
- Another Adventure to MK
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- Monthly Review: September
- Baby and Play: Bedford’s Independent Toy Shop
- Simplify 2018: Bathroom
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Decluttering Your Mind… A Quick Thought
- How I Use My Bullet Journal – Part 1
- Family Tree: Part One
Goals Set for October – and the Progress
- Clear some more projects.
- So, I manage to clear a couple and get them delivered to the recipients. I then started on another project for a charity event at the end of November. Just hope that I have time to finish it.
- Work on a business plan for work and ideas around a new direction.
- This is still not really happening. When it comes to work bits I get caught up in the day to day tasks and don’t get the plan sorted out but I have managed to have a “mentoring” call with another business lady who is helping me so hopefully with her guidance I’ll get it sorted out.
- Exercise! There are 20 school days in October (although 25 weekdays) so I’m going to attempt to make sure that all of those 20 days I reach my step count.
- I’m not sure this worked out as I kept forgetting to charge my FitBit but I am definitely taking this goal into November to try and make it happen. (I have the car for two weeks though so it’s possible it will all go to pot completely!)
- A longer term goal is to walk 2018km in 2018. (540km in 90 days).
- Having just taken a look at my Fitbit I’m on 112km to go in the rest of the year. I will definitely wipe the floor with that one!
Projects Worked on in October
- I worked on 3 baby blankets that are finished and all delivered now.
- Charity project for the end of November.
Books Read in October
- The Sally Red Shoes (finishing properly ahead of starting The Keeper of Lost Things in Book Club in November)
- Remember God by Annie F. Downs
- The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll.
- Returned to You by Emma St. Clair (I read it as a Beta Reader but it is now released)
Series Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- The Shannara Chronicles
- 9-1-1
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Hyori’s Bed & Breakfast: Season 1
- Ascension
- Salvation
- Salt Fat Acid Heat
- Jack Whitehall
- Cheaspeake Shores
- Scorpion
- Reign (Didn’t really enjoy it….)
- The Good Place (Still not really getting into it)
Films Watched
- Nights in Rodanthe
- You Can Tutu
- The Lady in the Van
- Moana
- Coco
Goals for November
- Try and get some of the handmade Christmas presents started and finished.
- Finish planning the rest of the presents.
- Purchase some of the presents (the rest get pushed into early December)
- Book the car service.
- Get the home stuff sorted.
- Keep us all alive while Chris is on his adventure.