I saw the Happy List on You Baby Me Mummy so I’ve adopted it. (So go read her post too and show her some love!).
Another week has gone by and another is about to start. Time for some reflection and think about what I’m grateful for and what has made me happy this week.
This Week Things that Have Made Me Happy
- From Friday to Friday, we had a family holiday in Norfolk. We were glamping at Norfolk Glamping (which is on the same site as Yaxham Waters Holiday Park). It was lovely to have time away with the boys but some days I couldn’t keep my brain off the things I needed to do.
- Got to see Becca get married!!! Mine and Becca’s friendship just completely embodies serendipity I think. Her dad lives round the corner from Chris’s parents so we could have crossed paths without even knowing it but actually our friendship all starts because of a song about an onion and the serendipity of social media.
- See Jaxon’s excited face when he saw a “windmill” close up. He actually means a Wind Turbine but they are windmills at the moment because they are like the little ones you get at the seaside etc. Also when he saw the steam trains at Bure Valley.
- Jaxon was also excited by the breakdown truck but that’s not such a happy one!
- There was a section of railway at the edge of the campsite so if he timed it right we could stand outside on the decking around the yurt and watch the trains.
- Sheep – there was just one sheep in the field next door but Jaxon got so excited to see the sheep. We went to say goodbye to the sheep on Friday morning but he wasn’t in the field. It was colder than it had been for a lot of the week so we wondered if the sheep had been moved inside.
- Be home. I loved the trip but around Wednesday evening I was at that “want to go home” stage. Jaxon kept asking to go home rather than stay and it was rubbing off on me too.
- L&G – looking forward to seeing the ladies. I can always tell when I haven’t been to knitting group because I’m always a tad more grouchy and in general my mood seems to suffer.