Back in September (ish!), I asked Chris to look at accommodation overnight when we were in Norfolk for Becca‘s Wedding. Chris came up with the idea that we’d go glamping in Norfolk. This time it would be in a yurt unlike when we went in the bell tent back in May. Yes. Glamping in November. This is Day Five:
Day Five (Tuesday)
Today we went to Sheringham Park as there’s a charger there,. We went for a walk around the woods and found a tower to climb. I waited at the bottom while the boys climbed it. Chris decided I should have climbed too but I really really didn’t want to. Jaxon loved climbing the tower and all that he could see from up there.
Following charging the car, we went into Sheringham. We had our packed lunch sat at the sea front and ate our lunch. Jaxon was exxcited to see the sea. Unfortunately we had to cut it short and find a toilet. We must have been on one of the furthest points from the toilet. I left Chris with all the picnic bits and Jaxon and I headed along the seafront to follow the signs to the toilet. Jaxon and I were still on our way and Chris caught up with us. We got all the way and he decided he didn’t need to go, then once we got out again he had an accident. Oh dear!
When Chris took Jaxon to sort out the accident and I found a step to sit on. While I was waiting I got out my journal and start4ed doing some writing to catch up with what we had been upto so far. I didn’t have a way of printing the pictures so attemtped to draw squares/rectangles to add the pictures in later when I got home.
After lunch, we went for a walk around Sheringham, I stopped to look at the postcards outside one of the shops. I thought “Oh that looks like a Tabitha Mary print”. I picked it up and flipped it over and it was a Tabitha Mary print!
Following lunch we headed back to the car and then onto Cromer. Jaxon managed enough words in the right order to ask Chris to pull over so that they could watch a container ship that was passing. I parked the car so that the boys could get out and take a look. Jaxon was so excited.
In Cromer, at the shore end of the pier, there’s this installation all about the lives lost and saved at sea by the Cromer Lifeboat. We wandered around Cromer and along the pier then headed back into the town to get chips for tea. Chris really wanted whelks or something along those lines but we ended up with our usual. He had a saveloy and I had a battered sausage. We all sat on a bench overlooking the seafront and ate our chips. They were yummy! Why is it that chips at the seaside just taste so much better than chips at home?
Although the pictures make it look like it’s 7/8pm it’s actually like 4/5pm and we were all ready for bed! When we got back to the yurt, we got Jaxon ready for bed, I searched on my iPad to see what films and TV episodes I had on there. Turns out I had The American President on there so I watched that while working on my knitting project.