While on maternity leave I’ve been working on various projects. This is the currently in progress project, the “theme” for your Seventh Wedding Anniversary is wool or copper depending on your list version. I didn’t plan far enough ahead and in the end bought Chris a wooly hat – especially as he was planning to have his mohican cut in again and when I go into labour there won’t necessarily be time for him to do his hair! In return he bought me a whole carrier bag of wool.
I puzzled over what to make – it was suggested to make individual granny squares where the different colours represent different things – like white and lilac for our wedding or orange and blue for my graduation. It was a good idea in theory but all was a bit clashy – having seen the Granny Stripe blanket on Attic24, I decided to tweak it and give it a go. I started with a mammoth long row of chain stitches and then started extending it from there.