I was tagged by Elle in the “Get to know me” meme, so here it goes!
Tell us 5 random facts about you:
1. I can play descant, treble, tenor, bass and sopranino recorder. I own one of each apart from the Bass.
2. This Summer, I’ll become a Mum and gain a sister in law.
3. I love crime dramas – currently working my way through Criminal Minds (Season 5)
4. If I could pay the bills by crocheting and knitting – I so would!
5. I love writing pen pal letters – I think it’s a dying art that needs to be rescued.
When is your birthday?
April – same day as Elle!
What is your favourite colour?
Racing green I think
What is your favourite memory?
Walking through the door at the church, looking up and seeing Chris beaming ear to ear at the front of the church.
Describe a day in your life:
I’ve been on maternity leave since the beginning of May so each day is sort of played by ear – in the last three days though I’ve slept until almost lunchtime – I think I need to work on getting my body clock back to a sort of normal time rather than sleeping so late. Most of the days revolve around tidying, crocheting, blogging and watching TV.
What are your five favourite songs?
Seriously? I love music how am I supposed to narrow it down to 5?? (Top 5 played on my iTunes are…)
1. Reel Deep Romance by Becky Higg
2. Your Sofa by Becky Higg
3. You’ve Got The Love by Florence and The Machine
4. Defying Gravity by Glee Cast
5. Free by Hillsong United and Delirious?
If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think it would have to be pasta – then again after a while it might get boring lol.
What is something you really dislike?
Tuna or Mackerel – they are both so stinky!
Summer or Winter?
Summer – I love the lighter evenings but prefer it when it’s warm but not too hot.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?
I’m a homebody and like where I live now lol. If Chris was to pick he’d love somewhere that overlooked a lake or you could see the mountains – if you could do both he’d be double happy.
Name five of your favourite films:
I am sure there are more but these are ones that I can watch multiple times without getting bored
1. The American President
2. You’ve Got Mail
3. Julie and Julia
4. Because I Said So
5. Eat, Pray, Love
If you won the lottery, what would you buy?
A new laptop – my current one is about 6 years old and beginning to die. Unless it needs to be on my laptop I tend to use Chris’s computer now lol.
Favourite day of the week?
Friday at the moment, it’s usually Chris’s day off so we get to hang out.
What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
Some way of cleaning water so that it’s drinkable, tools to make fire and some form of food (would be nice as I don’t think I could kill anything to eat lol)
Sweet or Savoury?
I love both, but most of the time I’m more for the sweet.
Early Bird or Night Owl?
I’ve always been a Night Owl and don’t do well in the mornings – my Mum tells a story how as a teenager if we needed to discuss anything it had to be before bed rather than in the morning as we’d often not talk on the way to school.
Name five of your favourite books:
I don’t have 5 favourite books so going for authors instead……
1. Kathy Reichs – any of her Temperance Brennan books
2. Enid Blyton
3. Jason Bradbury (I know technically writes for pre-teens)
4. John Green
5. David Levithan
Favourite drink?
Lemon Squash or Diet Cola – yep I know rock ‘n’ roll lol. On the rare occasion that I do drink alcohol it’s usually JD and Diet Cola or Bulmers that I go for.
Favourite animal?
I don’t really have one but I think my closest would be an owl.
Who do you tag next?
I tag Hannah, Becca, Stephanie and Megan (Best of Fates)

Awesome. I’ll see what I can come up with. I’ve never seen Eat, Pray, Love all the way through. Just like with the book, I loved the beginning but it lost me around the Pray part. It got all New Age-y and existentialist and I got drowsy.
Yeah I definitely prefer the Eat bit in Italy but then had to hold on to my sanity to get through Pray – thankfully it’s not too long lol.
Thanks for doing the tag! 🙂 I’m with you on needing a new laptop – mine is very ropey at the moment. :s
No problem was fun to join in. If you’re writing loads now isn’t it like a “work expense”? Hehe. Might take more than that to convince Chris to get me a new laptop. I guess for now I’ll just have to stick with stealing his computer when he’s not using it and save up for my Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad as a fix for now.
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