Back in November, I found a copy of The Copenhagen Companion by Astrid (@thecompanionsdk on Instagram) and I’d got this idea. We’d follow the walks in the book to explore the city a bit more (Rather than just the normal routes we take each week). Here’s my second attempt at Walk 1 from the book. (You can read Attempt 1 here).
Our previous attempt had finished at the Amager Centret shopping centre, so rather than start at the beginning again, we started at Amagerbro St Metro Station. You can read about the first attempt here.
We caught the bus from our local bus stop towards Norreport. At Norreport we got off the bus to change to the Metro but I realised too late and we ended up getting off at the next stop. This is the second time I’ve got off at the wrong stop at Norreport – I think they were doing some road works so the bus went into a temporary stop, now it’s moved back to the usual stop and I keep missing it oops!
Having got off at the wrong stop, I checked my directions. I could either walk back to the Metro station (10 minutes walk) or wait for the next bus which was due in a few minutes. The bus is longer but it does mean that in theory, we get to see more of the city. I say in theory because the bus windows are just so dirty at the moment! Come on! Get it sorted!
We got off the bus at Amagerbro Station (as per my instructions). I think I’m beginning to look like a local or something because a lady on the bus asked me was this one the stop for Amagerbro. I didn’t understand all the question but manage to figure out enough and give her an answer. I hope she found where she was going as she got off the bus based on my information lol.
I backtracked a little bit along Amagerbrogade. Mostly because my book told me that there was a knitting shop. (I’ll be sure to add it to the list – there’s five here already) I walked along Hallandsgade to Strikkesalonen. It looked like a lovely little shop from the outside and we would have gone in. However, it doesn’t open until 12 pm and it was only 11 am.
As I reached the traffic lights, I should have been able to see the wings of the wind turbines between the buildings but it was far too foggy.
I followed the directions from these lights to Lizzies Plads. It’s named after a lady called Lizzie Liptak and the square has these sculptures. There is also a light sculpture too which lights up the sculptures but it was too light to really be able to see it.
While passing the supermarket, I decided that I’d get Rex and I some lunch/snacks to keep us going. As I crossed the road, I looked up and was like “I know that lady” and it was one of my friends. We normally see each other over in my neck of the woods as it’s near her work. Turns out we were really close to her apartment and that supermarket was one of her locals! We pottered around the supermarket together putting the world to rights while we were there.
After saying goodbye, Rex and I continued our walk. I kept feeding him snacks as I walked. He polished off a pouch of baby porridge. He’s a little old for it but I know it’s something that he likes and he will eat (also on the move it’s not as messy as other things lol).
I love “collecting” buildings and murals. I love colourful murals and buildings that are just a bit different. This one below I believe is part of a school. It looked like there was a big floor cushion or bean bag right near the window – it’s the kind of window you want to sit next to on a rainy day while reading all snuggled up inside.
Our apartment has a window a bit like it. I’ve started looking out for an Ektorp armchair on the second-hand sites in case I can score a bargain. I don’t mind one in the “wrong” colour as I can always get a new cover. There are a couple on FB Marketplace for 200-250kr (£20-25ish) instead of brand new price of 2000kr. I considered going for it but wasn’t quite sure how I’d get it home on the cargo bike…
The next part of our walk took us to Lergravsparken (I fluffed up trying to say this to Chris and he says that the first bit is like Leagrave near Bedford so it’s Leagraves-parken lol). I think Rex is starting to form a “park radar” like Jaxon was a little sad when we didn’t stop to play. He wasn’t really dressed for playing in the park – also I’m not sure I had his shoes with us.
At this point, there are two routes that can be followed. I think on a warmer day we’d have done one part and then done the other part as well. This time we followed the route through the housing estate alongside Lergravsvej, crossed over Amager Strandvej and then walked through the Yacht Club to the seafront. At the end of this bit there is Den Maritime Ungdomshus. This building was designed by Bjarke Ingels, who now is a very famous architect. (His company BIG also designed our favourite park which is Superkilen).
You can walk back through the Yacht Club and walk along the beach but it was so foggy and gloomy that it was time to head in the direction of home.
Having sent this picture above to Chris he replied with this one. It’s taken across the water under the turbines looking back towards Amager.
Getting back from the end of our walk was easier. We walked through Amager to Øresund Metro station, which is on the M2 line and this took us to Flintholm Station where we changed to a bus. On the way home, we were going via the Covid-19 Test Centre. With both Chris being back in the office and Jaxon being back in school it makes sense to try to have a test a week to make sure we’re not sharing the germs. (All negative yeah!). The test centre is just a short walk from our apartment so after getting tested, Rex and I headed home for a well-earned snuggle in front of. the TV lol.

I love this idea. I think I’m going to grab a book of our state and work through the trails and landmarks in it. We love to do day trips. Copenhagen looks like a fun / beautiful city!
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