So Valentines Weekend was a weekend of ups and downs.
I’m going to miss out the downs because that would be pointing out various bits that I think should be kept ssh! now.
So good points:
My Dad bought my Mum a bunch of roses without being prompted (He made something up about how he needed to go to the supermarket to get his paper rather than the corner shop and when he came back he had a bunch of a dozen roses for my Mum :D)
Saturday evening was my best friends birthday outing, and minus the point where Dan the Man and LB’s hubby made me cry I had the best time (Long story but it’s forgiven and in the past now). The Five of us (Kewey, Dan The Man, LB and LB’s Hubby) had tea together in the hotel they were all staying in. It was lovely and nice to have a proper catch up before going out for a night on the tiles lol.
I think it’s me but Twitter continues to amaze me lol. On Saturday I posted from Foursquare about how we were in Las Iguanas at The Hub in MK. About an hour or so later I got a reply on Twitter from the Las Iguanas Tweeter wishing Serena a happy birthday. I showed her and she was really chuffed!
I left the outing at midnight. I had tried to park as close as I physically/legally could but I guess everyone else had had the same idea. The world and his wife was out because it was the Saturday before Valentines. As we walked from Lloyds to Oceana I said goodbye to everyone and asked Dan the Man and LB’s Hubby if one of them could walk me back to the car. I think one of my friends was concerned for me and so both Dan and LB’s Dan the Man and