I must be actually crazy! I talk to my friends about how I might be able to survive without the internet and I really can’t. Lol.
When I was younger I would write a paper list to Santa (then it was to my Mum). Now I email her a link to my Amazon Wishlist as inspiration. I also sent it to my best friends this year. We did another Secret Santa between us and from my Secret Santa I got two of the Louise Rennison books from the Georgia Nicholson series – I love them! I discovered them when I was at upper school and although I think I am technically miles out of the target age range I still love the books all the same!
Stop in The Name of Pants was the first one of these. This is the penultimate book in the series. I would write more about it but I’m about half way through. Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? is the second one (well my second present – it’s technically last in the series) – yes they do all have slightly random titles which I’m sure aren’t really repeatable in public if you actually know what they mean.
Louise Rennison is a very cool author – I’d be interested to read anything else that she has had published (even if I am technically to old!). I was trying to see if she had a website of her own but by the looks of it she doesn’t. I did however find the Georgia Nicolson website.
I’ve started on my “To Be Read” list for 2010. So far I’m at Number 4 and am just working along the ones that I remember off the top of my head.