Once again, I started writing this then got caught up with other things. So at the end of March, I flew home to the UK to see my family and friends, meet my new niece and sort some bits while I was there.
An adventure home…
Last Thursday I got up before dawn had even cracked to head for the airport within a few hours I’d be able to hug my Mum and Dad for the first time since January.
Well in theory there was a plan. The hugging dad bit was a bit delayed (he was admitted to hospital for a couple of days the night before I flew back to the UK and due to the Covid restrictions still in place at the local hospital, I’d either have to wait until Monday to see him or I’d see him when he got discharged).
To Take The Bus or The Metro?
I headed for the bus stop and then questioned whether I should be going to a different stop given the time of day so I walked to the second stop and checked the times. I’d just missed a bus so I’d have to wait for 20-30 minutes for the next one. I chose that maybe walking to the Metro would be better than standing by myself at the bus stop.
It was strange walking through our neighbourhood at that time of the day. There were very few people around but it didn’t feel unsafe or maybe even dangerous. I arrived at the Metro station and was surprised to see a security guard on the platform. This added to the feeling of safety too.
The first metro was quieter but by the time I reached the second one it was a lot busier with people also heading to the airport for an early start to their days. (I had been posting to my IG stories on my way and a friend who lives in Amager near the airport said that next time I should stay at their house then it’s only a 10 minute trip to the airport instead of going across the city – I might just have to take her up on this offer!)
Made It to The Airport
I decided that I’d get through Security as soon as I could then pass the time on the other side. It was one less thing to fit in then if there were any delays along the way. Security was very quiet and I pretty much had one person in front of me.
I got to the other side and felt so chilled rather than my on edge self that I can often be after security. I even had to text Chris to tell him that it was the most chilled security trip ever. When I texted him, he was still asleep but it had to be done lol. I stopped in Duty-Free to look at the Whiskeys. I was going to get my Dad a bottle of something for his birthday but as I stood in front of the shelf I was a bit overwhelmed by the choice.
I know he like Glenfiddich, Glenmorangie and Famous Grouse but they are all Scottish ones that he can get at the local supermarket whereas I wanted to get him something that was a bit different that maybe he’d like but hadn’t tried before. In the end, I talked myself out of it. I’m due another trip in a few weeks time so maybe I have to get him a bottle then and see what he thinks (I’m told there is a whiskey shop near Kongens Nytorv so maybe I need a field trip there and see if someone can give me some suggests based on what I know my Dad drinks).
I got a drink and a cinnamon bun from Espresso House on my way through the terminal. Mum and I had plans to get breakfast once I’d arrived but I’d already been up nearly 2 hours and was going to need the energy.
I found somewhere to sit and worked on a knitting project and ate my Cinnamon Bun. I also attempted to record a time-lapse on my phone – I love Kara and Nate’s videos and they often have a “here’s how we passed the time in the airport lounge” time-lapse so I gave it a go. (You can see it here on my IG. I think I need 1) more practice and 2) a better camera/phone).
Time for A Nap?
I was struggling by this point and felt like I was going to fall asleep wherever I sat so I decided to walk a bit further through the terminal. Ryanair flights always leave from the Gates F area right at the end of the terminal so I knew if I headed that way, maybe I could find somewhere comfortable to sit and pass the time some more. I found a quieter corner (and USB charging point!) opposite Passport Control so I found a seat and got comfy. I managed to lie down for a few minutes but then got worried that I’d miss my flight so decided sitting upright was better – I could nap on the plane if I needed to.
Around 6/6.15am I moved towards Passport Control and waited for it to open. I attempted to play Minecraft with Jaxon but he’d decided that he was too tired and wanted to just snuggle in my bed and rest until it was actually time to get up for school.
I was through Passport Control quickly (everything was so quick at that time of the morning!) and headed to the gate – here’s where things slowed down but still not too bad. I got through Passport Control at 6.25 and our plane was due to leave at 7.05.
Managed to spot the sunrise while we waited to board the plane. Don’t think I’ve seen sunrise in Copenhagen yet so this was a nice surprise of sorts. (I shared the whole adventure on IG, you can see my story highlight here).
Time to Take To The Air
When I got on the plane there was a little confusion about seats. It turned out the person sat next to me was in the wrong row so we all had to play musical chairs. I had the aisle seat and was a little worried I’d spend the whole flight in and out of my seat as the person next to me might need the toilet! (As it happened they both slept nearly the whole flight and when they move it was more fidgeting in their seat rather than getting out past me).
We arrived at London Stansted a little ahead of schedule and the efficiency continued. I got to Passport Control and could use the ePassport gate (normally I can’t because I’ve had the boys with me). I was through really quickly and before I knew it was at Arrivals.
And Now Plan B Kicks In
At this point, I was supposed to walk through that final door and Mum and Dad would be waiting for me. But they weren’t.
Dad had been unwell and had been admitted to hospital very late Wednesday night/Thursday morning. When I went to bed, Mum was still coming to get me but I’d said that I’d get the train/coach or something. Around 1:30am when I woke up, I checked my phone and there was a message from my Mum’s friend telling me that Mum wasn’t coming and she was going to sort a taxi for me. I texted back and said that Mum was still coming and that I’d leave them to sort it out.
Well, when I landed I had a message from Mum’s friend, there was a taxi on its way and it should be at Arrivals when I got through. Well it wasn’t, the driver had got delayed and was stuck in traffic. Not a problem, I’d find somewhere to sit and wait. I watched the weather out the window and updated Mum and Chris as to how things were going.
Once I’d found the driver it was so weird. I rarely use taxis (I think the last time I went in a taxi, Our Sidekick was still living with us). So sitting in the back of this very smart taxi (it was a Skoda but from the inside you couldn’t tell lol) I felt like a right scruff bag! The driver was super polite. He asked if it was okay to put on music (I said yes then it was BBC Radio 1 he put on. Oh dear me! Can I change my mind please?). He dropped me off at Mums and I was so pleased to see her. Best hug ever!
Having chatted to Mum for a little bit and caught my breath we formed a plan. I’d go get settled in etc, then we’d reconvene at her house for tea and we’d either stay home or go out. (I think Plan A was for us to go out but actually, I really fancied Chinese and just to sit with her and watch TV or do something like that, that we ‘normally’ do).
I did it! I took a flight completely by myself and survived lol. So that’s one of my 22 Goals in 2022 completed. Yeah!
You can read my other goals here. The list is still coming together…

I’ve never flown by myself, I’m not sure I’d be very good as I’m not the best flyer! I hope your dad is all better now!
Amy x
I bet it was lovely to see your parents! I hope you’re Dad is doing ok now x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
He’s doing much better now thankfully. It could have been so much worse and thankfully it wasn’t. He was in hospital from the Thursday until the Saturday then he came home so it was good to be able to spend time with him even if it was just sitting in front of the TV working our way through episodes of Homestead Rescue lol.
I bet it was lovely being back in the UK seeing your family. Hope your Dad’s doing well. X
So good to be back but also so very strange. I think it’s that the town had changed a little but mostly I’d changed – A LOT. My dad is doing so much better now – hopefully, the GP will be a bit more on the case if it happens again and will get him on antibiotics sooner so he doesn’t have to go into hospital again.
Well done! I’ve done quite a few flights on my own and actually prefer flying solo now.
Corinne x
I’m about to take my second solo flight and again security was so chilled – now I’m sat people watching while I wait for my gate to be called (It’s international so I have to be here 3 hours before and got through security in 10 minutes so now I have over 2 hours to pass…)
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