Writer’s Block or Just a Funk

Okay I’m going to try and not dwell on this as much as I can because that would be boring and you’d all close your internet windows.

I think it’s writers block but then again I’m not sure. Maybe I just feel like I don’t have any thing to say of worth – but then again I’m sat here with a word document and 5 ideas that I’m typing into and lengthening each time I open the page (so there must be some ideas up there).

Then again I could just be in a funk and be bored of the whole blogging thing – I know how can I be bored of this thing lol. I thought about a redesign but this design hasn’t been live very long so redesign probably isn’t the way to go about it. I thought about certain days being certain topics but then I got stuck on what topics and on what days and then got stuck on the idea that if I was blogging about each of these themes each day would I then stop writing about other stuff.

So I came up with a plan of sorts. I am going to try the theme a day thing up until the end of August and see how it goes – that gives me about 40 days to do that. If I blog Monday to Friday on the themes then the weekend can be catch up time or free for all on the posting front.

Now to the next question. What themes? My friend Kaelah does Mixtape Monday and Wedding Wednesday and Cardiogirl has a Book of Questions post on a Friday.

But these are their ideas – so how can I come up with my own ideas? Do you have suggestions? Comment in the doobley doo lol. (Do you watch Vlogbrothers – if not why not!?!?!)


  1. Emily Jane says:

    I tried having a regular feature (get your freak on friday – music videos) and I found it actually lost me readers because you’re tapping in to one area that not all of your readers will be interested in. Personally I think you should just write whenever you have inspiration – I’d rather follow a blog that has consistently good (if not regular) content than someone who writes three times a week about nothing in particular 🙂

    • Hannie says:

      Ooh I’m sorry I didn’t reply – I keep meaning to and then ran out of time doh! I’m back hello!

      I’m feeling better about the whole blog thing and I asked That Boy to change the font size which makes it easier to read and comment so hopefully it makes it a bit better lol. I’m also going to play with the formatting rather than the content and see how that goes.

  2. Erin says:

    I agree with Emily. I tried that Makeover Monday thing and found that not only did I run out of stuff to talk about pretty fast, it made me dread Mondays, and I don’t think anyone else really liked it.

    That said, I think Cardiogirl’s Book of Questions thing works well becasue it’s not a “theme” per se — it’s a different question every week that is totally random so it’ll appeal to a lot of people. You could do something like a Would-you-Rather Wednesday, and post a question like “Would you rather be completely bald all over your entire body and get a rash any time you tried to wear a wig, or be covered head-to-toe in hair and get a rash every time you tried to shave it?” Then discuss your answer and invite your readers to discuss theirs.

    You can get books of questions like this at any bookstore. I have a Sex Edition one, and I bust it out on road trips with friends — makes the time go by faster!!

    • Hannie says:

      I might try something like the book of questions – or maybe I answer Cardiogirl’s questions with like a massive long answer! (Don’t worry I’ll link and comment on Cardiogirl’s posts lots!)

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