I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is January’s monthly review. You can see others here. At the end of each month, I write a monthly review all about what I’ve been up to each month.
What Went Well This Month
- Getting back to work after Christmas.
- Finish Find Your Fade – seemed to take so long at the end even though the number of stitches doesn’t change for the last few sections, just the marker moves across.
- Working on Family Trees.
Other Highlights
- Thank you Netflix for adding Friends. When I was a teen, Friends often clashed with Youth Group on a Friday or with Church on a Sunday when it was repeated. It’s also been interesting reading the articles that have been popping up about it. One of the first ones I saw was this one from Hannah at Budding Smiles. There were also other websites that joined in like this one by Sarah Gosling at The Guardian.
- I had to seek medical assistance earlier in the month – that’s not so much of a highlight but so grateful that we have the Drop In Centre here in Bedford. Unfortunately, there is a possibility that it’s either closing or relocating. At least if it relocates it might still be available but if it closes, it will mean that more people could be queueing in A&E for injuries or minor illnesses that don’t need emergency treatment.
- My friend’s Baby Shower. I’m so excited that my friend will be welcoming her baby into the world this month. Being invited to her baby shower was really exciting. Jess and I did our part assisting with opening presents. I was in charge of passing presents and then collecting the rubbish. Jess was writing down who each gift came from so that our friend could then write her thank you cards when she got home (Jess and our friend are so similar to me! It’s exactly what I would be doing. It’s one of the things I asked Nanny to do on Jaxon’s birthday when I was suffering with food poisoning).
- The highlight is the care received along the way, the negative is that Jaxon had an accident and hit his head. The “egg” that came up was like a ping pong ball and had us all worried. The staff at his preschool were amazing and so lovely. My Dad was a superhero and dropped everything to collect me from the town and take me back to preschool, then to take us to A&E and then the Walk In Centre. When we got to the Walk In, again we got amazing service from the team there and the Minor Illness Nurse (that was the same one I’d seen earlier in the month.
- I got to talk Bullet Journals and being organised with a friend. When I saw her a few days later, she waved her bullet journal at me. She was so proud of the pages that she’d been filling in. Also, she told me how she less anxious she was feeling because of having her to do lists there on paper. Rather than, running round her head like bouncy balls pinging off every surface.
- Mum and I went to see Out of The Blue perform at the Quarry Theatre in Bedford. They were really good but we did feel like it was shorter than expected. (Having written that it does say duration 60 minutes on the theatre website).
- Rather excitingly, I found that my blog had been listed here and here on Travellers Notebook Times. One of the links was back in December but I’m still excited that I’ve appeared on there three times in the last six-ish months.
Top Posts
- How I Use My Bullet Journal Part One
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- Happy Three and a Half Birthday Jaxon!
- Monthly Review: December
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- My Planning System Update – January 2018
- What is a Temperature Blanket?
- My Current Planner Setup: B6 Chic Sparrow
- How I Use My Bullet Journal Part Two
- {Jaxon’s Birth Story} – Dear Blueberry – Week 1
I’ve been working on my Find Your Fade Shawl (Pattern by Drea Renee Knits). I started this back in November when were Glamping in Norfolk. It took 3 or 4 attempts to get that first section right. I then bounced between this and a couple of other projects until I settled on finishing this. It’s now February 1st and I’m so close to the end! I thought I had finished all the repeats but I either had extra stitches or miscounted My repeats so need to add a couple more rows before casting off (hopefully today!)
Books Read
My plan has been to try and read the books that are sat on my Currently Reading list. I have the tendancy to start a book and not finish. At the moment I’m trying to work on The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Perlman seeing how it’s not Christmas now. Part of my goals for this year is to clear this list and hopefully get back down to 1 or 2 books instead of lots like it currently is! Our community group have started reading None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. So far so good – we’re about three chapters in. I’ve read the first chapter but missed the meeting for the second chapter so ended up falling behind. That’s a goal in February to make sure I’m up to date with the rest of the group.
I’m also reading A Good Wife’s Guide to Happiness by Jen Weaver. It’s been on my bookcase for a little while but this time I’m determined to finish it!
Series Watched
- Friends
- Britannia
- Madam Secretary
- Silent Witness (I hadn’t seen it for a while so missed all that happened to Nikki in the previous season)
- Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
- Who Do You Think You Are?
- 12 Monkeys
- Dinotrux (thanks to Jaxon)
- Dinotrux Supercharged (also because of Jaxon!)
Films watched
- Boss Baby
- Paris Can Wait
- Love The Coopers
- The Healer
Goals for February
- Finished my 2018 Goals List – it’s not complicated just needs to be focused on!
- Finish my Find Your Fade Shawl
- Cast on Jaxon’s Jumper
- Read Chapters 1 to 3 of None Like Him to be up to date
- Formulate proper plan for Daisy Media in 2018

Love this Hannah. Pinned to Pinterest. Now running off to get Friends on Netflix xxx
Thanks for stopping by Kerry! Thanks for pinning too! Enjoy Friends – beware it’s addictive though!
Omg you seem to have your life so put together. This post definitely made me feel like I know you personally. I’m looking forward to reading more of your monthly reviews
Haha! Pretty sure I don’t feel like I’ve got it together most days! I think I wing it and see what happens! Thanks for your comment 😊
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