Dear Monday (except it’s Tuesday because I either can’t count or read a calendar it seems!)
Dear Monday, this week it was my fault – I got distracted by my book and couldn’t put it down – I read almost a whole book in one night. Erm about 3 hours but it did mean that I went to sleep at 1am. Probably explains why I feel so rubbish today.
Dear Tummy, what is with you?! You just kept playing up all day!
Dear Worship Song, I get it’s supposed to be serious but when the line “heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss” in is one of your verses I couldn’t help but laugh – even “he even gave the cat it’s furry bottom” in Lovely Jubbly is less laugh inducing (mainly because it’s a kid’s worship song not a serious worship song.
Dear October, you have arrived. I wore a woolly jumper yesterday which was fine until I went out at lunch and then I was too warm but the jumper worked as a bit of a comforter when I spend the whole morning feeling a bit death like.

This Weekend I went to the cinema with Libs – we went for dinner first. I had Four Cheese Rigatoni with chicken and garlic bread. We went to see Untouchable at the cinema. It’s in French with English subtitles but the story is so good!
This Weekend I (well we) took Our Sidekick on a guided tour around Huntingdon and Godmanchester where Chris grew up and told him (OS) stories like how Chris cooked Spag Bol for me and two friends after we drover from Bedford to Godmanchester as a surprise crazy road trip.
This Weekend I (well we – again!) had dinner with my in-laws – originally we popped in for a cuppa as part of the magical mystery tour but ended up staying for tea (we went to Fayre and Square at Hartford Mill) and then went back to their house to watch Doctor Who. Our Sidekick helped Chris’s Dad (My FIL) get the guinea pigs in from the garden. My FIL and MIL have a small zoo in their garden lol. There’s two guinea pigs, at least two if not three rabbits, a dog, tank of fish. There were hamsters or rats at one point and some African Snails – not sure if they are still there.
This Weekend I played bass in the band for the last time. I have officially stepped down from the band now. Kinda sad but I’m still part of the team when it comes to kid’s worship songs and doing the actions so I’m not completely out just yet lol
This Weekend I spoke to B about Kid’s Work – I start in two weeks covering one of the others ladies. It’s the first time I’ll have done proper Sunday School kid’s work since 2006 ish (I’ve done odd Sundays but not proper being part of the rota)
This Weekend I bought some more wool and did some more crocheting – I’ve had to undo the bit I started on Saturday as it was all wrong and there were too many stitches in places, I do however have my original project home from work so I can carry on with that one instead.

Sad about the bass but glad about the Kid’s work!
It’s scary and exciting but it’s going to be great lol.
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