Chris’s Birthday Challenge 2017

Each year for as long as I’ve known Chris there has been a birthday challenge. There have been a number of challenges, some in one place and some covering more distance. In 2011, it was Land’s End to John O’Groats...

Monthly Review: July 2017

I’m back with a review of July. I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is July’s review. You can see others here. What went...

My Take on One Book July

Let’s do this! So it’s July and that means it’s One Book July time. I know I know, it’s now the end of July and I am just mentioning this. Not good right? I’ve come across this through the planner...

Slimming Sunday (July 2017)

Well, welcome to my post for Slimming Sunday. As described on MrsShilts‘ blog, it’s a “weight loss, fitness, and healthy lifestyle linky” with Emma from Life According to Mrs Shilts and Michelle from Mummy From The Heart. So where have...