Currently: 4th April

Watching: After chatting to the ALP Creative Ladies I’ve been watching Jane The Virgin on Netflix. I think if you like Ugly Betty you’d like it. It also had a real telenovella vibe! I’ve also been binge-watching Doctor Who episodes. I’ve...

The Day We Went to London…

On Saturday morning, Chris woke up and decided that a field trip to London was on the cards. With it being the Easter holidays we had ended up spending a lot of time at home rather than going out to...

Where did March Go?

This post was going to start with how it felt like this week just flew by and didn’t achieve half of what I had meant to do. Then I realised, I think the whole of March was a bit like...

Currently…21st March

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. Have a good week! Watching After hanging out at Mum’s last weekend I realised that I was behind on Bones, so while Dad took Jaxon for a walk around...