Currently…28th September

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can find that here. Have a good week! Watching Jaxon and I have been watching more Thomas and Friends. I think I need to find a list of...

Slimming World Sunday #9

Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Stephanie from Raising Emily and myself “resurrected” the idea and we’d love it if you could leave your link below. If you’d like to join in the button and code is at...

Currently…21st September

This post was originally started using a prompt from RUKristin. You can find that here. Have a good week! Watching We finished watching Heidi this week. I do hope there is a second series. I found Long Way Round and...

Slimming World Sunday #8

Hey there! It’s Sunday which means it’s Slimming World Sunday. Stephanie from Raising Emily and myself “resurrected” the idea and we’d love it if you could leave your link below. If you’d like to join in the button and code is at...