T-Shirt Folding Hack (BEDIA)

You know those images you see on Pinterest and then you see someones really bad attempt at it which is usually accompanied by the text “Nailed it!” well this is what I expected it to be. I saw this one...

Dear Jaxon…13 Months

Dear Jaxon… The month since your birthday has flown by and I think that’s because it has been so busy. Following your birthday party, we loaded up the car and went on holiday. The plan had been that we would...

Currently…10th August (BEDIA)

Each Monday I start with a sum up of what’s currently happening around these parts – especially when some weeks seem to fly by quicker than others! Watching Our Sidekick and I started Heroes from the beginning. I didn’t watch...

Slimming World Sunday #2 (BEDIA)

Today I’m also joining with Debs and Amy for Slimming World Sunday. (I discovered earlier this week that SWS was stopped but seeing as it was their idea originally I’m going to leave the links on the posts) This week...