111: Fill In The Blanks Friday

1. Today is a great day because, it’s the dress rehearsal for our performance. 2. Tomorrow I will hopefully remember all my lines in the performance and not forget my dance moves during the two big numbers (that I usually...

090: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Today was supposed to be a guest post but it’s gone a little bit pear shaped so I’m back on my normal schedule for now. 1. My greatest strength is I’d say that it’s being able to multi-task but I’ve been so foggy...

083: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Here is this week’s Fill in the Blanks Friday…. 1. My favorite colour is green I think – it used to be purple but I kind of grew out of that lol. 2. My home decor color palette includes lots of...

069: Fill in The Blanks Friday

Prompts from Lauren’s Blog Prompts this week are created by Jennifer from Jen Loves Scott (+ Baby!) Here are my answers: 1. My favorite room in my home is the living room because I think it could be the tidiest room...

063: Fill In The Blanks Friday

Fill In The Blanks Friday Saturday You can find the prompts at Lauren’s Blog: The Little Things We Do. The highlight of my week was a close drawer between Tuesday when The Fountain signed their lease for a building and...