This month’s Monthly Review. Do you write a similar post? I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. You can see others here.
- I had a number of exciting meetings throughout May talking about new ideas and things that are going to happen. One meeting was with my ex-colleague. I was so nervous I had butterflies the size of Pterodactyls or something! I dashed from one thing to another that day and really felt like I never had any time to process what was going on!
- Dad and I went out for Brunch at The Longholme, here in Bedford. We took part in a Walking Quiz during the Easter Holiday and we won the selfie competition that was part of the quiz. (Our winning selfie is here. Yes, Jaxon is wearing his Christmas jumper!)
- Chris and I celebrated our 12th Wedding Anniversary. He was trying to meet a deadline for work stuff, so we went out for tea on the Thursday before our anniversary with Jaxon and decided that we’d put a pin in official celebrations and come back to them when needed. The Saturday rolled around and as Chris said dinner was ready there was a ring at the doorbell. Chris had organised at the last minute for his sister to come to babysit while we went out. We went to the cinema to see The Hustle. It wouldn’t have been my first choice but it was still good. I’m a massive Anne Hathaway fan but feel like Rebel Wilson plays the same character in a different outfit sometimes.
- My lovely friend Rachael asked if I would man her bookshop for the day. OHYGOODNESS! That’s like being trusted with her baby for the day. I worked in a well-known High Street Bookshop for my Work Experience when I was 15 but that was the last time I worked in a Bookshop. Well, on the whole, I think it went okay and I got over my nerves after a couple of customers. They did come back though when I had a couple of customers come in one after the other asking for recommendations and I couldn’t think straight! Well, I hope the ones that I did recommend found a loving home!
- That same day we were off to see the UK Touring Cast’s version of Les Miserables at Milton Keynes Theatre. We had dinner at Bella Italia first then headed around to the theatre. Our seats were the front row of the Upper Circle which was an amazing view, especially for the Barricade bits. (I can’t find the trailer for that one but we’re going to see the Staged Concert in London later this year so you can see the trailer for that here).
- Having been to the theatre, we drove home singing along to the soundtrack at the top of our lungs. When my Mum tried to start a conversation, my brother just got louder – it was so funny! I dropped everyone home and headed home to bed. I got up the following morning not feeling right, but right enough to still go serve on the team liked I’d committed to at church. When I got home I snuggled on the sofa while Jaxon played and waited for the feeling to pass. Chris arrived home and we discussed about when we needed to leave for Spud’s birthday party. He asked me a question and I knew I needed to get to the loo or sink quickly – either way I couldn’t stay sat where I was. Well, that was it, anything I’d eaten came back up and I was certainly not going anywhere other than my bed! Chris was amazing and took Jaxon to the party even though he didn’t really know anyone there. I ended up sleeping on and off for 15 hours in the end once you add up that I slept on and off all afternoon and then pretty much solidly between midnight and about 7 am. I missed knitting group on Monday and cancelled some work I was due to do on Tuesday. We were sure it was food poisoning rather than a stomach bug but in case it was a bug, I decided I needed to stay home.
- Then with it being half term at the end of May, we were on holiday for a week – yeah!!
Projects Worked on in May
- Pink Floral Baby Blanket – this was delivered to the receiver at the beginning of June. The Mummy of the receiver shared a lovely photo with me of it being used. The cropped version was shared on IG here.
- Blues and Greens Granny Square Blanket – this one is going to take me a bit longer but it’s getting there.
- Juniper Tee by Truly Hooked – It feels like I started this ages ago! I completed a bit more in May but it’s then got put on hold after I lost the other yarn I was going to use to complete it! NO!
Books Read in May
- 6 Caledon Street by D. van de Merwe
- The Cottage at Hope Cove by Hannah Ellis
- Escape to Oakbrook Farm by Hannah Ellis
- Summer at the Old Boathouse by Hannah Ellis
- Whispers at the Bluebell Inn by Hannah Ellis
- The House at Lavender Lane by Hannah Ellis
- Friends Like These by Hannah Ellis
- Christmas with Friends by Hannah Ellis
- My Kind of Perfect by Hannah Ellis
- A Friend in Need by Hannah Ellis
- Beyond the Lens by Hannah Ellis (in progress)
(Thank you to Amazon Kindle Unlimited and going camping for a week! Yes I found an author that I liked and had to read all her books pretty much!)
Series Watched
(Not full seasons btw!)
- iZombie (Season 5 started in May)
- Tiny House Nation (New show that started on Netflix)
- Chicago Fire
- Grey’s Anatomy
- 911 (Mum told me this was the first one I had to watch when I got home!)
Films watched
- Wine Country
- The Hustle
Top Posts Viewed in May
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- Adventures with Jaxon: Piccadilly Line Part 2
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Eight Forty-Four
- 7 Things I’ve Noticed since Giving Up Diet Cola
- My Favourite Planner Suppliers: EllieBeth Designs UK
- Recently Off The Needles: Find Your Fade
- Book Review: The Boatman by Jonathan Holt
- Blogger’s Wednesday: Kaelah
- My Current Planner Setup: B6 Chic Sparrow
Goals for June
- Catch up on blogging and try to get some posts scheduled ahead of time.
- Keep up the reading (maybe not at the same pace as in May but at least clear a few off the list!)
- Keep my Bullet Journal going – it definitely works better for me and is more flexible to fit what I need to go in there.
- Exercise more and eat healthier (I’m attempting #100DaysofSweat with YesTheory)