I stumbled across Belle’s review posts over on her blog by accident and decided to attempt to revive my own Monthly Review posts. This is August’s review. You can see others here.
Highlights from September
- September started with two of our friends from church getting married. Chris had been asked to help with some lighting and other bits so he was at the church nearly all day and into the evening. When Chris got home in the evening, he’d been given one of the floral centerpieces from the tables as a thank you to me for letting the Bride and her family borrow him for the day. They were a lovely mix of wildflowers so were right up my street. I love the daisies especially – they are my favourites!
- We continued counting “Lasts” before Jaxon started school. One of these was his last morning at Lemon and Ginger before starting school, He’ll get to go to ones in the school holidays but it won’t be the same as the lovely ladies there seeing him every week.
- Jaxon and I had a last field trip to MK before he started school and it almost ended up with a trip to A&E. (read about that here).
- Jaxon started school and settled in really well. At first I don’t think he wanted to go back as he’d done the first day so why did he need to go back. But he’d taken it completely in his stride and the first day we had tears was when I left by the “wrong” gate after the caretaker had opened the one closer to the main gate about three weeks into term.
- We had a temporary lodger. One of Our Sidekick’s friends needed some help so he came to stay with us for a few weeks. Every evening that he was in the house he’d often offer to make drinks. I was well looked after – especially on days when I had forgotten to get a drink!
- I got a new to me bike! My friend Emma has moved back to Australia and so I bought her bike from her. It’s so much nicer and easier to ride than my “old” bike. I rode home from her flat and left it in the garden for a few days because I pretty much went everywhere on it! I even cycled from Jaxon’s school to my knitting group in town. I got there and had to have breakfast because I was starving!
- I have been walking to and from school which has added heaps on to my average step count each day. I’m trying to make sure that on week days, I am hitting my 10,000 steps which generally does work on school days. Out of the 19 school days in September on 11 of them I reached or exceeded my step count. On 5 of those days I was over 9000 but under 10,000. Also some of those days had lower counts because I cycled instead. So all in all I am doing some exercise each day which is great.
Top Posts Viewed in September
- Planner Love: Meadowgate Traveler’s Notebook
- When FOMO and Comparison Take Over…
- Baby and Play: Bedford’s Independent Toy Shop
- Monthly Review: August
- Self-Care in the Crazy Hannah Bubble
- Storing and Organising Duvet Sets
- Our Adventurous Toddler Takes on The Piccadilly Line
- Back to School – Setting Goals
- Recently off The Needles… Find Your Fade
- That’s It – School Holidays DONE!
Projects Worked on in September
- Stormy Skies Jumper (Pattern by Nicky at Handknits and Hygge)
- Jaxon’s Jumper
- Autumn Breeze Sweater (Pattern by Paintbox Yarns – downloaded from LoveKnitting)
- I finished the Autumn Breeze Sweater. DIsappointingly, the arms are long enough but the body is too short. I even got Chris to try it on and it’s too short in the body for him too.
- Jaxon’s Jumper had a little more work done on it but it’s been put to one side for now.
- Stormy Skies Jumper was also put to one side temporarily.
- I’ve been working on a couple of fairly urgent
Books Read in September
- Come Matter Here by Hannah Brencher (still in progress!)
- The Billionaire Land Baron by Emma St. Clair
- The Christmas Sisters by Sarah Morgan
Series Watched (Not full seasons btw!)
- Hilda
- Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (Recommended by Nikkei at knitting group – still not convinced but will keep trying it)
- Scorpion
- Three Wives One Husband
- Amazing Interiors
- Joel & Nish vs The World
- 9-1-1
- For The People
- Burden of Truth
- Chesapeake Shores
- Instinct
- Michael Palin in North Korea
- A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities
- Dramaworld
- Good Witch
- Great News
- Sisters
- Bodyguard
- The Great British Bake Off
Films Watched
- Wonder
- Nappily Ever After
- Us and Them
- Leap Year
- Step Sisters
- Annabelle Hooper and the Ghost of Nantucket
- Sierra Burgess is a Lose
- The X Files: I Want to Believe
Goals for October
- Clear some more projects. They’ve been growing rather than reducing but I’m sure I can make it happen in October.
- Work on a business plan for work and ideas around a new direction.
- Exercise! There are 20 school days in October (although 25 weekdays) so I’m going to attempt to make sure that all of those 20 days I reach my step count.
- A longer term goal is to walk 2018km in 2018. This is a new goal but is still possible. According to my Fitbit account by the 30th September, I had walked 1478km. This leaves 540ish to walk in 90ish days. This works out around 5-6km each day which is relatively easy when the school runs alone are nearly 5km total – especially if I have time to take a longer route home.